Submission: May 31, 2019
Registration: May 31, 2019
Language: English
Location: Concept
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open
Global commerce and the unprecedented demand for travel and have resulted in the proliferation of airports around the world. In their short history, terminal buildings have been criticized for employing generic architectural forms that are unapologetically disconnected from their context and cultural identity. Technical complexity and functional design have often taken precedence over quality and comfort for users.
In less than a century, the airport has emerged as a new architectural typology that is as important as other large-scale public buildings such as museums, libraries, temples, and courthouses. Airports are among the most complex and highly frequented transportation hubs, but they are also increasingly important places for work, commerce, recreation, and culture. The rapid evolution of airports necessitates the incorporation of the latest developments in technology, design, and social trends around the globe.
About the Competition
Fentress Architects, based in Denver, Colorado, announces the 2018-2019 Fentress Global Challenge, an international design competition for young and student architects. As in years past, the theme, consistent with the firm’s expertise in airport design and aviation, is envisioning an airport of the future.
Participants are encouraged to re-envision the terminal building in the year 2075, using some of the world’s busiest international airports as a framework. Some of the aspects students will have to take into consideration are local context, technological trends, project feasibility and passenger experience.
Curt Fentress, who founded this program to promote the advancement of innovative design in public architecture, said, “The Fentress Global Challenge is an incredible way for our firm to engage with students from all over the globe. It’s been inspiring to see and evaluate the ideas of the next generation of designers.”
This is the seventh year that Fentress Architects has sponsored and administered the award, which brings a First Prize of US$10,000 in cash and includes the opportunity to accompany Curt Fentress to a prestigious architectural event where the winner(s) will receive the award. Four additional winners will receive smaller cash awards.