Submission: June 7, 2023
Registration: April 5, 2023
Language: English
Location: Washington, DC
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: student competition
The challenges of the past few years have demonstrated the need for places for individuals in communities gather. The goal of this competition is to create a functional space within a community for gathering, play and shelter. A multi-functional building that can be used in a variety of ways is the overall goal. Think about how communities will gather in the future and design a building to meet these needs. Concrete masonry is an ideal choice for this type of building. It is durable and long-lasting, providing a pleasing aesthetic, and can be used for security and safety. Designs should identify multiple ways to take advantage of concrete masonry’s benefits to meet the needs of this new community center.
The design competition asks students to use concrete masonry products as the primary material in the design of a state-of-the-art Community Commons. This community center, both indoor and outdoor gathering spaces can be used for education, recreation, networking events and more. The Community Commons must be able to be used as a community storm shelter in case of extreme events such as tornadoes, hurricanes, or other natural disasters. Concrete masonry is a flexible, resilient and durable material, and provides vast opportunities for form, function and expression.
Jurors will select First, Second, and Third prize winners, in addition to a selected number of honorable mentions, all at the discretion of the jury. A total of $20,000 USD is distributed to the winners and their faculty sponsor(s).
Because the support of NCMA FDN is largely derived from masonry companies whose markets are mainly in the U.S. and Canada, the ACSA/NCMA Student Competition is open to students and/or student teams from ACSA Full and Candidate Member Schools, as well as ACSA Affiliate Members Schools from the U.S., Canada, and Mexico only.