Submission: January 16, 2016
Registration: January 16, 2016
Language: English
Location: Concept
Prizes: 1st Prize: 3,000€, 2nd Prize: 2,000€, 3rd Prize: 2,000€
Type: Open
The competition is open to architects, engineers, planners and designers who want to contribute to progress in making the world more habitable by developing a proposal capable of responding to emerging challenges.
The programme challenges the participants to design any project directly related to productive cities- buildings, sensors, devices, urban planning, means of transportation, fab cities, energy systems, etc. The participants will be free to decide on the size and location of the Project, which must be clearly detailed and justified. Any time projection short (10 years), medium (50 years) or long-term within the duration of the 21st century is allowed.
The competition is opened to students and professionals.
There is no age limit; the projects may be carried out be individually or in groups, with no restriction on the number of members of the team.
The following will not be eligible to take part in the competition:
Any individual or organization related to the promoting organization, such as members of the advisory committee or sponsored researchers, and anyone professionally associated with the promoter; Members of the Competition Jury and organizing Staff, or any person to whom a member of the jury acts as director, supervisor or adviser; Any person directly or indirectly involved in the summary of the Competition.
No fee or other payment will be required of those entering the competition.
The three teams leaders will receive cash prizes, and a one-year grant to take the Master in Advanced Architecture at IAAC and research in greater depth the manufacture of self-sufficient architecture
All of the projects selected will be featured in a special book produced in conjunction with the Actar-Birkhauser publishing house like in the four previous editions.
1st Prize: 3,000 € + Master in Advanced Architecture (value 17.400,00 €) + Designjet T520 (value 1.500 €)
2nd Prize: 2,000 € + Master in Advanced Architecture (value 17.400,00 €) + Designjet T120 (value 700 €)
3rd Prize: 1,000 € + Master in Advanced Architecture (value 17.400,00 €) + Designjet T120 (value 700 €)
In parallel to the 6th Advanced Architecture Contest, the Institute for advanced architecture of Catalonia (IaaC) and FabLab Barcelona are also running the international People’s Choice Award.
Submissions will be displayed online to be viewed and voted on by the public. The most popular image will win a free entrance to the Anual FabLab Conference taking place in Shenzhen, China this year.
Write a brief description (max 200 words) that outlines key concepts around proposals or changes for existing buildings and/or cities.
Graphic description: Site plans, floor plans, elevations, sections, perspective drawings, photographs of physical or digital models and axonometric drawings at any scale and descriptive texts explaining the project are allowed. The descriptive texts must be in English.
The proposals should be presented on three (3) DIN A-3 panels and comply with the following format:
Each panel will be presented in PDF format. The size of each file must not exceed 1MB
The same panels will also be presented in a JPG 1280px by 960px format. The size of each file will not have to exceed 500 KB.
Video (optionary): You have the option to submit a 1 minute (maximun) video to explain in, a few words, the key concepts of your proposal. Please use English subtitles even if you are speaking English. (It is not mandatory to speak in the video, you may also use text, images, animation etc). Place your ID code at the bottom right of the video. You will find this ID code by logging into your account. To submit the video: First upload the video to YouTube, then login in to your competition profile page and paste the YouTube link to the video section of the submission.
It is allowed to upload your panels and edit them until January 18th 2016; 5:00 pm (GMT) at the competition web site.