Submission: March 31, 2017
Registration: March 31, 2017
Language: English
Location: Concept
Prizes: 5 categories – Winner 2,000 EUR and up to 4 nominations
Type: Open
The »neuland« sponsorship award, a competition for up-and-coming designers, is organized by the aed and supported by the Karl Schlecht Foundation. The competition shall serve as a platform for especially talented young people in the design field. The aim is to promote innovative and sustainable design, which is characterized by the greatest possible economic and ecological quality and is functional and user-friendly at the same time while meeting the highest aesthetic requirements. Human beings and a design’s advantages for society shall always be at the centre of the creation.
The »neuland« competition for up-and-coming designers is consciously interdisciplinary. Participation is not restricted to special fields or universities. Outstanding young designers are expected to be actively promoted at the beginning of their careers through the competition. At the same time the broad public shall be given an insight into the width and range of design by presenting the awarded designs. The competition and its organizers do not have any profit motives. The competition is solely committed to public good.
The aed’s »neuland« award will include the following categories in 2017:
- Architecture & Engineering
- Exhibition & Interior Design
- Industrial & Product Design
- Communication & Graphic Design
- Interaction Design
The works submitted will be evaluated using the following criteria:
- concept
- function/usefulness/user guidance
- technical feasibility
- economic recoverability
- interdisciplinary approach
- quality of presentation
- technical and functional innovation
- consideration of sustainability aspects
In each of the five categories there is one award-winner and up to four nominations. The winner of each category receives a prize of 2,000 euros. The prizes and nominations are awarded at an event in Stuttgart. The award-winners of each category as well as the nominated works shall be presented to the public in a travelling exhibition and documentation.