urban housing affordable students competition

Affordable Urban Housing Competition

Submission: November 01, 2019
Registration: October 31, 2019
Language: English
Location: Concept
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open


With the migration of the population working today to the cities from towns and villages to acquire basic security of livelihood and not investing on their lives for the long term (depreciating because of the ‘grind’) due to various social stigmas associated with not owning a home; create this rat-race. Cities being an economic platform which is constantly growing every day – equity of housing has become an issue as they turn more and more severe/unaffordable every day.

Affordable housing is one of the measures taken by the government but is not enough considering the vast number of people pooling into the city every day to look for means of the livelihood for their family. Slowly the urban centers with their skyrocketing economic growth have almost priced out a lot of its citizens before they could even realize. Can a collective living concept scalable enough for all the megacities of the world?


Design a concept for Affordable Urban Housing in any major Hub of the world for example (Hong Kong, London, Paris, Beijing, New York) which can be easily rolled out to increase capacity of housing stock,and is minimal in its use of land and materials. No minimum size or amount of the residential units per block is defined. The proposals should be flexible enough to adopt in different sizes with different inhabitant capacity requirements. Designs for the Affordable Urban Housing Challenge should be flexible to fit different locations across the city which you are choosing to cater the needs if that city. The designs should also be adaptable, allowing adjustments to be made in order to suit different residential capacity requirements. There are no preselected competition sites and so participants are free to choose any appropriate theoretical site in any urban agglomeration in the world.


The competition is open to all.
No professional qualification is required. Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (3 team members maximum).
People who have direct personal or professional relationships with jury panel members or organisers may not participate in this competition.

Go to the competition’s website