Submission: February 01, 2016
Registration: January 31, 2016
Language: Spanish, English
Location: Michoacan, México
Prizes: 1st Prize: $ 3,000, 2nd Prize: $ 1,500, 3rd Prize: $ 500
Type: Open
The Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, on the occasion of its centennial, invites architects, designers, visual artists and sculptors from Mexico or other countries to present design proposals for an urban architectural intervention in a public space.
It will be a flexible and adaptable design to allow its implementation in the residual spaces of different cities and towns where there are communities associated with the University as well as its replication in different municipalities in the state of Michoacán, other states of Mexico and abroad. The design should develop and represent the distinctive values of the Nicolaitan university including: humanism, justice, freedom, solidarity, inclusion, tolerance, loyalty, wisdom, fraternity, equality, gratitude, responsibility and autonomy.
Projects should create an environment for free and safe coexistence and social integration; they should also propose a space of culture, learning, and unification for alumni that will outlast the projects. Ideally they will refer to an iconic image of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, as a leading, plural, and constantly evolving university. Finally, the projects should be profitable in the cost/benefit.
Participants in this contest must submit a proposal for urban intervention on the issue: Centennial Commemoration of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo.
- The design must incorporate, as an essential part, the place where names of the people from each town or region that during these 100 years have been or are part of the Nicolaitan community.
- The choice of materials, physical and technological properties will be free, but you must consider the use of materials resistant to weather and requiring minimum maintenance.
- The budget for the operation, including labor and materials must not exceed $ 15,000 USD.
Participation is open to architects, designers, visual artists and sculptors or students of these disciplines with Mexican nationality or other countries. The inclusion of participants from other disciplines will be submitted to consideration of the evaluation committee and its decision is final. You can participate individually or in a maximum team of three members, with no age limit for members and collaborators of the proposal.
Each participant or team may submit only one proposal and in no case may be part of more than one team.
To participate no professional qualification is required, which also allows students or recent graduates or professionals non-graduates enter to the contest.
The material shall consist of a single PDF file less than 10MB containing 2 sheets size 90 x 180 cm., Resolution 300 dpi, horizontal format.
These sheets should include the following information:
- Plans: plants and cut space with built-in free scale proposal.
- Views, drawings, sketches, models or any other form of representation –free technique- to help express the general idea of the proposal.
- A descriptive text of maximum 250 words about the intervention, which must explain how to relate the proposal to the artistic vision of architectural practice developed by the participant.
- The production budget intervention, expressed in US dollars.
The two sheets should include the user code. Any proposal that does not meet the requirement of anonymity will be automatically eliminated.
Any additional material or other formats will not be accepted.
Only the projects that are sent through the system and within the appropriate time will be assessed.
The official language of the contest is Spanish. Deliveries are also accepted in English for international teams or competitors from non-Spanish speaking countries. No deliveries will be accepted in another language other than Spanish and English.
Only the proposals which have been successfully completed in the registration process will be evaluated.
Registration fees for professionals are: $ 40.00 USD in early registration, $ 60.00 USD to the standard registration and $ 80.00 USD for late registration (or the equivalent in local currency). Students: $ 20.00 USD, $ 30.00 USD and $ 40.00 USD respectively. The cost of the fare is per team and not per participant.
Once payment is made, the contestant must send an email with the deposit slip to, together with the data of the required contact. Mails sent will be answered with a registration key, it will be used to create a user name and a password to access to the system where you can download the complete rules.