Submission: October 30, 2016
Registration: October 16, 2016
Language: English, Spanish
Location: Amsterdam, Netherland
Prizes: 1st Prize: €2500, 2nd Prize: €1000, 3rd Prize: €500
Type: Students & Young Architects
¨Nederland¨ is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Just as its name indicates, the territory is formed by low (neder) land (land) among which one quarter part is situated below the sea level. For many years the geography of the region has been dynamic and changing, being the only thing that remained constant, the redefinition of the territory. Some of the actions carried out were draining the territory, building large dams and ultimately, since the XVI century the gained land to the sea with polders.
Generating land though public policies has its consequences in the eyes of the Dutch and their conception of collective space. Between 1948 and 1978, the architect Aldo Van Eyck, raised a series of interventions of urban regeneration of destroyed sites due to world war two. In 20 years he managed to transform more than 700 sites in children playgrounds.
Nowadays, Amsterdam is a consolidated global city and entirely designed for its wide architectural tradition. In this context we propose the creation of a children´s day care in the city of Amsterdam whose starting point is, once again, children playgrounds and public spaces.
The strategic location is a pier ingrained to the neighborhood and reclaimed from the river in a strategic form. Today, an association organizes cultural activities, which should be preserved and enhanced generating a place to learn while playing and grow in close relationship with the water.
The program is divided into 3 fundamental parts: Daycare, cultural activities and outdoor spaces. The daycare, destined to shelter children from 1 to 5 years old, should comply with the stipulated program regarding the classrooms, circulation areas and facilities. In addition, you should take as a starting point the characteristics of the “Openluchtschool” – open school – to encourage the use of terraces, patios and gardens. Contact with sunlight should be maximized, understanding the physical formation as important as the intellectual.
The building should include basic facilities for the Stichting het Stenen Hoofd associations, such as a small room for meetings and events. The outdoor spaces of the school (terrace and patios) should be projected as well as the interior. Also, a part of the surface should not be intervened; this will be for the collective use of cultural activities and/or sport activities of the school and/or association.
The registration fee is per team, regardless of how many members are on the team. If a team wants to submit more than one proposal to the competition they will have to register each proposal separately and pay an additional fee for each proposal they wish to submit.
For a project to be accepted the team must be properly registered to the competition. All registrations will be done through the ARCHmedium website (, where you will be asked to choose between several payment options.
After completing the registration form each team will be assigned with a registration code. It’s important to keep this registration code in a safe place since it will allow your team to access the intranet were you’ll have access to your registration status, payment tools, and the upload form to submit your project as we will explain in further sections of this document.
Each team will submit only one din-A1 size (59,4, 84,1cm), landscape or portrait panel with their proposal. This panel must be identified with the registration code of the team and the registration code ONLY; any panel including team names or personal names might be disqualified without refund. Each team is responsible for choosing which information they include in their panel so that the jury may gain the clearest understanding of their project.
The representation technique is completely free (2D drawings, pictures of models, sketches, renders, collages, etc.). The jury will not only evaluate the quality of the project but also the clarity and quality of the presentation. We do not recommend including large amounts of text on the panel. The project should be explanatory enough through the graphic material. However, certain notes might be acceptable. These notes must be written in English ONLY—any text written in a different language will not be taken into account and may lead to a team’s disqualification.