Submission: April 30, 2023
Registration: April 30, 2023
Language: English
Location: Global
Prizes: Please see the details below
Type: Open
The aim of the “Archi-hack – Oil Platform” competition is to develop one drawing to communicate a conceptual design. The participants are asked to repurpose an oil platform by following the requirements of the brief and one axonometric projection to represent it, with absolute freedom of interpretation, technique and level of abstraction. Even the concept of axonometric itself can be questioned in order to craft the most expressive way to represent the concept.
Non Architecture Competitions will award one winner, one selected by each jury, and a total of 7 honourable mentions.
WINNERS (1 Prize)
> 1.000 euros.
> Publication in the Non Architecture Competitions book and website.
>Reviews in digital magazines and several architecture blogs.
> Publication in the Non Architecture Competitions book and website.
> Reviews in digital magazines and several architecture blogs.
EDITORIAL PICK (Up to 6 Prizes)
> Publication in the Non Architecture Competitions book and website.
FINALISTS (Up to 36 Prizes)
> Publication in the Non Architecture Competitions Journal.
> The organization might establish additional special prizes and awards during the competition development and in the evaluation phase.
Note: The appearance on the involved architectural platforms are subject to the agenda and availability of the external platforms.
We encourage you to push the boundaries of creativity. You’re free to re-invent and hack any oil platform of your choice, in order to become whatever function, you might see fit: it can either be a statement, or have a very strong practical use. As long as the proposal utilizes an oil platform structure to create a revitalized form in its own distinct way.