Submission: December 31, 2015
Registration: September 01, 2015
Language: English
Location: Concept – Philipines
Prizes: 1st Prize: Php 40,000, 2nd Prize: Php 20,000, 3rd Prize: Php 10,000
Type: Students & Young Architects
ArchiNEXT: HCG Young Designers’ Competition (AYDC) challenges the ingenuity and proficiency of young students to design sound yet sustainable Architectural masterpieces. It is a platform that will test and showcase their limitless creativity.
ArchiNEXT is an award that recognizes passion, transforming an industrious learner to a trailblazer. The ArchiNEXT Young Awardee is envisioned to contribute inspiring trends not just to the profession’s growth but also to the country’s nation building.
- The contest is open to all UAPSA-affiliated 3rd and 4th year BS Architecture students in all CHED-accredited and recognized colleges and universities nationwide.
- To join AYDC, the contestant must accomplish Entry Form, with signatures of either the UAPSA Chapter President or the Dean of Architecture, downloadable in the Download Entry Form tab.
- Together with the duly accomplished and signed Entry Form, the contestant shall mail to HCG Makati Office* in a sealed envelope the ff:
- Two (2) A3 sized bond paper with the Design Concept (including details of innovative features), Rationale, Plans and Perspectives.
- Deadline of submission of all entries via mail or courier service to HCG Makati Office shall be on December 31, 2014.
- The Board of Judges’ decision is final
The ArchiNEXT Design Challenge
The challenge is to create a Sustainable Community Comfort Area (SCCA) within a neighborhood of fifty (50) families with an average of six (6) household members or 300 people in total that lacks access to clean water and with limited supply of electricity. The SCCA must have the ff minimum requirements:
- Total Area of the SCCA: 200 sq. mts.
- Decent toilet area for everyone:
- Five (5) cubicles for male, with three (3) urinals and two (2) lavatory
- Five (5) cubicles for female and two (2) lavatory
- Secured shower area each for men, women and must be safe for children:
- Six (6) cubicles for male
- Six (6) cubicles for female
The following points will also be highly observed:
- The SCCA must have its own means of tapping water from a limited source.
- Despite the pre-existing condition of water scarcity, the SCCA must be able to provide the people water for washing hands, bathing and flushing needs.
- However, the contestant should refrain from using the existing EcoSan concept.
- The SCCA must be sustainable.
- The SCCA should be able to thrive on its own, able to replenish the resources it is using. Recycling is encouraged from the construction materials down to resources; as well as efficient use of energy.
- The SCCA must have low cost exposure.
- This is in terms of the construction materials used and the maintenance cost it will require. However, it must also adhere to all applicable codes and standards.
Given these, the area should encourage the neighborhood to improve their sanitation, and make them feel comfortable and protected no matter their social standing.
In the first year of ArchiNEXT: HCG Young Designers’ Competition, the contestants’ ability to create a well-designed and sustainable structure with feasible solutions for social growth shall be tested.
ArchiNEXT: HCG Young Designers’ Competition Criteria for Judging
The design must be visually appealing while adhering to the contest theme and guidelines. It must also exude the feeling of comfort, safety and security.
Aside from visual appeal, the design must also be sustainable and cost efficient as further discussed in the contest theme.
- Design Excellence ………………………………… 50%
- Design Sustainability and Cost Efficiency …. 50%
Prizes and Privileges
- The Top 15 entries shall be exhibited in CONEX 2015 on April 15-17, 2015.
- Winners to be announced on April 15, 2015, opening of CONEX
- The best entries in the ArchiNEXT: HCG Young Designers’ Competition (AYDC) shall win the ff:
- 1st Prize- Php 40,000 plus Plaque of Recognition
- 2nd Prize- Php 20,000 plus Plaque of Recognition
- 3rd Prize- Php 10,000 plus Plaque of Recognition
- The Top 12 Runner-ups shall also receive Php 2,000 as consolation prize and a Certificate
- Prizes are tax-free.
- Moreover, the three (3) ArchiNEXT prize winners including and the ten (10) ArchiNEXT scholars, should they come from far provinces (with at least 5 hours of travel time) will have the privilege to attend CONEX and HCG plant tour. HCG shall shoulder the airfare and accommodation of the winners and scholars eligible.
- Tickets and/or accommodations are not convertible to cash.
- Schools of the 1st to 3rd prize winners shall also have corresponding counterpart prizes (to be announced later).
ArchiNEXT Scholarship Prizes and Privileges
- Maximum of (10) candidates shall be given a one-year scholarship grant worth Php 30,000.
- The first half (Php 15,000) will be given during the Awarding or before June enrollment.
- The second half (another Php 15,000) will be given before the enrollment of the next semester (September or October).
- Prizes are tax free.
- Certificate for the Scholars shall be awarded on April 15, 2015, opening of CONEX.
- ArchiNEXT Scholars, should they come from far provinces will have the privilege to attend CONEX and HCG plant tour. HCG shall shoulder the airfare and accommodation of the winners and scholars.
- Tickets and/or accommodations are not convertible to cash.