Submission: July 31, 2016
Registration: July 31, 2016
Language: English, Spanish
Location: Maipu, Santiago de Chile
Prizes: An honorarium of 5,000 USD
Type: Open
The competition starts from the necessity of implementing practices and visions for equitable development and a sustainable future of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago; involving private actors, institutions, and communities in a process of reflection and synergic action that combines urban development with quality of life.
Within this framework, the SEE | Santiago Emergent Ecologies international ideas competition aims to articulate a series of concrete projects for the fringe comprised between the city of Santiago and the El Roble ecological conservation site (Sitio Proritario el Roble). The el Roble conservation site is one of the major reservoirs of biodiversity in Chile; its resources and ecosystemic relations have a direct impact on the environment and the quality of life in the Region of Santiago, and influence the potential economic development of the area.
The objective is to take this site as an opportunity to generate new meanings for the periurban areas of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, creating productive landscape that at the same time can protect biodiversity and promote a better relationship with the environment; imagining new ways and opportunities to live in the areas surrounding Santiago de Chile.
The competition is aimed at students and professionals in the fields
of Design, Architecture, Urbanism, and Landscape. Contestants may
participate individually or by forming teams of up to 6 people. Each
team must contain at least one student. Students or professionals from other related disciplines can be part of the teams.
Professional or student contestants must prove their accredited status by sending their Certificate of Title, in the case of professionals, or proof of registration/student certificate, in the case of students. Contestants who do not meet these requirements will be excluded from the evaluation process.
The winning proposal will be awarded with an installation at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Santiago (MAC) Quinta Normal and an honorarium of 5,000 USD (five thousand US dollars) before taxes.*
The winning team will also invited to participate to the award ceremony in Santiago and granted reimbursement for travel and accommodation up to 1,500 USD (one thousand five hundred US dollars).
The Jury is also granted the right to award several honorable mentions and a selection of best proposals will be included in the exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Santiago (MAC) Quinta Normal.
The registration period will begin on May 1 and end on July 31.
Only the registered competitors may submit proposals within the
prescribed period.
Registration fee is $50 (fifty US dollars), and will be done through
a form of payment by credit card. Teams with students from partner universities are exempt from the registration fee.
Contestants must submit:
– Three horizontal A1 sheets (59.4 cm x 84.1 cm); max 10MB each sheet
Overall vision at an urban scale (representative image)
Strategic proposal for all Fundo (proposed scale 1: 25000)
Sheet 2:
Park development project on the site priority area (proposed scale
1: 10000) Zoom of the most interesting parts of the project (proposed scale 1.2000 / 1000/500)
Sheet 3:
Installation proposal for the Museum of Contemporary Art,
considering an available space of 3×4 m, illuminated by artificial light. (appropriate representation)
– 1 digital horizontal A3 dossier (29,7 cm × 42,0 cm) no more than 10 pages; max 10MB
The dossier must contain text explaining the project with pictures and drawings present in the sheets
– Registration form of all team members
– Documents attesting to the status of young professional/student
contestants (copy of Certificate of Title, in the case of professionals,
proof of registration or student certificate in the case of students).
The jury will evaluate the originality and clarity to express the main
ideas, as well as the overall composition of the presentation. The
project should be understood primarily through graphic material.
The sheet can include text, however, the presence of a large amount
is not recommended. The proposal can be submitted in English or
Spanish, but any text written in another language will not be taken
into account.
All proposals will be evaluated preserving the anonymity of the
contestants. Therefore, the delivered project material (3 sheets and
dossier) must not contain any information about the project group.
Go to the competition’s website