Submission: November 05, 2020
Registration: November 05, 2020
Language: English, Russian
Location: Klaipėda, Lithuania
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open
The construction of Klaipėda summer stage started in 1977 and was completed in 1983. Unique buildings of summer concert stages specially designed for song festivals were built only in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Itis an object of the city’s cultural infrastructure, closely related to the traditions of the UNESCO-protected Song Festivals and the fostering of national culture. The stage is not included in the heritage register and is not to be protected as an architectural work.
Regional and national festivals, concerts and other events were held there. The first multi-thousand rallies of Sąjūdis and Marches of Rock also took place there. Recently, the stage is used very rarely.
Klaipėda City Municipality Administration has been looking for an answer on what to do with the Summer Concert Stage for some time now. In 2014, the “Analysis of Options for Modernisation of the Summer Concert Stage of Klaipėda City Municipality Culture Centre Žvejų Rūmai” was prepared. The College of the Municipality Council did not make a final decision on the concert stage after the presentation of the option analysis. The aim is to arrange the space of the concert stage so that it is aesthetic and attractive, so that song festivals and other health and sports events can take place there.
The choral community’s main observation was to keep a venue for song festivals and mass events and to preserve the structure of the amphitheatre and the spectator mound.
Purpose of the Competition
Klaipėda City Municipality is asking architects to provide ideas on how to better adapt the currently rarely used summer stage, to show the possibilities of the whole territory from Liepojos Street to the stage and its adjacencies.
Competition task
To create a vibrant multifunctional complex providing year-round services by functional, spatial and visual-artistic means, which would expand the range of sports, active leisure, entertainment, recreation, tourism, and cultural services, increase the attractiveness of the territory.
1st place 3,500 EUR
2nd place 2,500 EUR
3rd place 2,000 EUR
Suppliers wishing to participate in the procurement must register in the Central Public Procurement Information System (CVPIS)
Competition brief and annexes:
All competition information is provided by means of the Central Public Procurement Information System (CVP IS)