Submission: May 15, 2017
Registration: May 15, 2017
Language: Polish, English
Location: Gdansk, Poland
Prizes: Details below
Type: Open
Where are the limits of freedom, as we stand at the crossroads, crossing our freedom with someone else’s freedom? We invited to participate in the International Competition of Spatial Forms „Crossroads of Freedom”.
Making and installing one spatial form and three artistic installations inspired by the idea of freedom in the broad of Gdańsk.
Only professional sculptors, architects, students of faculties of sculpture and students of architecture of artistic schools of higher education in Poland and abroad can participate in the competition.
The deadline for submitting competition works is 15.05.2017.
2017.01.20 announcement of the competition
2017.05.15 deadline for submitting competition works
2017.05.19 meeting of Artistic Board
2017.05.20 publication of the results of the competition
2017.05.31 publication of the list of works designed for realization
2017.06.01-06.15 study visit of the author of the winning spatial form
2017.07.01-09.24 making of the spatial form
2017.09.25-09.30 visit of the authors of the installations – for assembling
2017.10.08 vernisage/public presentation of the spatial form and artistic installations
2017.10.09-12.31 exhibition
Only professional sculptors, architects, students of faculties of sculpture and students of architecture of artistic schools of higher education in Poland and abroad can participate in the competition.
- Competition work should be an artistic spatial vision inspired by the Crossroads od Freedom slogan.
- Each competition work must be marked with a permanent and legible logo consisting of six number and and should contain:a A description of the concept/the idea of the work (not more than 1000 characters);b A view of the designed spatial form/artistic installation from four sides and construction
drawings signed by a person with relevant licences (constructor, engineer);
c List of materials necessary to make the spatial form/artistic installation;
d Estimated costs of making the form, according to the funds specified in par. VIII A p. 3 of these Rules and Regulations.
e The package with the competition work (printouts and a CD or a DVD or a pendrive) cannot have any information enabling identification of the author.
f Competition work should be prepared on sheet of A4 (210x297mm) format or bigger.
- To the competition work there must be attached a separate envelope with the same logo, containing:
- a filled in participation card with a short biography note
- portfolio in a hard or electronic form.
The deadline for submitting competition works is 15.05.2017.
The works submitted after this date (decisive is the date of the work reaching the organizer’s office) will not be taking part in the competition.
- The Artistic Board (jury of the competition) will be composed of professors of PolishAcademies of Fine Arts, representatives of Instytut Badań Przestrzeni Publicznej, Centrum Rzeźby Polskiej, professional sculptors of recognized artistic achievements and representatives of the organizer of the competition.
The competition consists of 2 stages.
STAGE 1. EVALUATION OF THE ARTISTIC VALUE OF THE WORKS The Artistic Board will award:- 3 prizes for the best works of permanent spatial forms [1st place: PLN 5000 gross, 2nd and3rd : PLN 2000 gross each and statuettes and diplomas]
3 prizes for the best non-permanent artistic installations [1st place: PLN 3000 gross, a
statuette and a diploma, 2nd and 3rd place: statuettes and diplomas)
The organizer understands spatial forms as permanent objects whose physical features allow exposition for a longer period of time – at least for 4 months, and artistic installations – as objects of less permanent character.
- Permanent spatial forms and non-permanent artistic installations should be as much as possible visible in an open public space (dimensions, form, colour);
- Permanent spatial forms must be weather resistant (sunshine, rain, wind) for at least 4 months.
- Non-permanent artistic installations must be weather resistant for at least 1 month;
- Permanent spatial forms and non-permanent artistic installations should be as much as possible resistant to damages by man.