Submission: October 20, 2019
Registration: October 15, 2019
Language: English
Location: Concept
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open
The sense of sight is one of the 5 basic senses for humans. However, some people do not get a chance to enjoy this basic sense. Visual Impairment refers to a decreased ability to see, to such an extant that it may not be fixable by regular means, such as glasses. When a person has a complete (or near complete) loss of vision, it is termed as blindness.
Blind people may face a lot of difficulty in going about their normal daily routine. Normal activities like driving, reading, etc becomes impossible for them. Other activities like walking, socializing, writing, eating, et cetera become a major task for them.
Over the history of tackling blindness, and finding solutions to make their lives simpler, a lot of innovative efforts have been brought about. The most notable amongst these is the Braille. It is a system of tactile writing, represented in the form of raised dots, which can be used by the visually impaired. It transforms one of the most basic needs, reading, from a sight-based activity to a touch-based activity.
It is one of the most helpful things designed for the blind and has existed since the year 1824, when it was first developed by Louis Braille.
Architecture and architects play a large role in designing blind-friendly cities. And thus, comes the idea for this competition. To take the other four senses i.e. the sense of hearing, the sense of smell, the sense of taste, and the sense of touch, and transform it into a reality, which can be equally enjoyed by the blind and the non-blind.
The aim of the competition is to design a structure (or a complex of structures) which bridges the gap between the blind and the non-blind. Something that erases the distinction between how the blind and the non-blind experience the world differently.
A place which the blind can enjoy just as much as a person who can see.
Just like the Braille system in 1824 had allowed the blind the read like a normal person; this competition aims at creating a built environment enabling the very same objective, i.e. to erase the distinction between the blind and the non-blind, and to erase the handicap of visual impairment by “Connecting the Dots” and “Building for the Blind.”
Start of Competition: July 1, 2019
Deadline for Registration: October 15, 2019
Deadline for Submission: October 20, 2019
Announcement of Winners: November 2019
Note: All deadlines are 11:59 pm – 00:00 am IST (Indian Standard Time)
Entrants may register as individuals or as a group consisting of maximum 3 members. All architecture and design students, as well as professionals are eligible to participate in the competition. They may do so by filling the registration form and submitting it with the appropriate payment through the secure gateway (PayPal/Instamojo) on our website
Early Registration Period (July 1 to August 15) – $20
Regular Registration Period (August 16 to September 15) – $25
Late Registration Period (September 16 to October 15) – $35
Note: It would not be possible to amend or update the information related to your registration including the names of the group members once validated.
First Prize – $500 + Certificate
Second Prize – $200 + Certificate
Third Prize – $100 + Certificate
3+ Honorable Mentions to be published on the site
There is no limitation to the type and scale of built space that you may construct.
The project should aim at inclusivity, and should be a place, not just for the blind people, but a place that everyone can enjoy. Even those who are not visually impaired.
The political correctness of your language would not play a role in the judgement of your ideas. For example, as far as your design idea is brilliant, you won’t be judged based on the terminology that you use, be it “Blind People” or “The Visually Impaired.”
IMPORTANT TIP: Do a research on what has already been built for the blind, before beginning with your own design ideas.