Submission: November 05, 2015
Registration: October 23, 2015
Language: English
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Prizes: A Prize Found of 18000€
Type: Open
The Irish Architecture Foundation, in partnership with the Matheson Foundation and Dublin City Council, have launched an international architectural design competition aimed at finding an innovative and ground-breaking play and skate park design for Le Fanu Park, in West Dublin, Ireland.
The competition aims to find the best design solutions for this space – which is at the heart of a diverse and engaged community in Dublin – while creating a unique opportunity for architects to work closely with professionals from other fields and the Ballyfermotcommunity itself.
We are inviting applications from architect-led inter-disciplinary design teams who have experience of, or a strong interest in community and collaborative design practices. The deadline for entering the competition is the 23rd October 2015, with submissions for the first round due on the 5th November.
Full information can be found on our website ––park-competition