
Energy, enthusiasm, passion

Filip Piwowarczyk, an associate at B+H Architects, shares his experience in conceptual design and explains the importance of taking unexpected paths, using local inspirations and understanding the rationale behind the project.


My adventure with architecture started in Poland and over the last 13 years took me to Denmark, Netherlands, China, Canada and back to Poland. In each of those places I could observe and learn something new. I have a few takeaways from those travels that I feel are worth sharing. 

First of all, don’t be afraid to move forward, don’t get discouraged if something is not going according to your plan. Unexpected path you were placed on might be even better – just keep your eyes open for opportunities and appreciate what you experience on the way. Get yourself out there and learn design not only by spending more time in the studio but by going around the city on a bicycle, spending time in parks, on city plazas, in museums, culture houses, party districts – live and breathe the place you live in. While our profession is to design the build environment, we are also the end user.

At work stick to people you can learn from, who are willing to share their experience and appreciate your efforts. Try your best and don’t be afraid to speak your mind. Be open to exchange knowledge and skills with your team members; you will all benefit from that.

As a last piece of advice, I will say something that might not be popular, but I find it to be true. Don’t get out of your comfort zone, stay right on the edge of it and let it expand over time. This will allow you to grow your confidence, relieve you from unnecessary stress and allow you to omit failures due to lack of experience and confidence.

Concept design approach at B+H

In this text I will try to tell you a story that will describe the process of concept design creation we usually go through at B+H Architects. I will aim to provide a general description but to make it more interesting and tangible I’ll add some real-life examples.

As it is the case with all creative work, the process will differ between companies or even groups within one. B+H is one of the top 100 biggest architectural firms with 9 studios across the globe, so we don’t have one “recipe” for a successful design process that is applied in all of them. We share best practices and success stories during creative gatherings in the studio and online, and we try to learn from them and improve our workflow. But there are no universal solutions. What works with clients in North America does not always resonate well with clients in Asia and vice versa.



There are usually 2 slightly different scenarios for a competition:

Typical one phase competition where you get the brief and work internally with the team without any input from the client and at the end you submit a completed project and vision which is then assessed by the jury.

Competition with few phases and client’s feedback  (typically in Asia) when you work with client and get his feedback in a competition mode where few chosen companies are invited and client wants to steer Competitors in a direction to be sure he is getting the result that will suit their needs

The process

Those two scenarios differ slightly from each other and I will focus on the first one which is most common. I will present the process and illustrate it with examples from a competition for headquarters of one of the tech companies in Hanoi, Vietnam that we submitted earlier this year and at the time of writing this article we are still waiting for the verdict.

The process outlined below is shown as a series of steps but it’s never so linear. In reality there are a lot of side tasks and tests that we do as we progress but from my experience it’s generally good to hit those marks outlined below as you go forward.


Assembling the right team and planning for its growth over time.

It’s very important to have the right team assembled for a competition. The typical core team usually consists of a project director, design director, senior staff from various fields architecture, urban planning, landscape and interior and junior team members. 

Project director creates business opportunities, deals with the clients, assembles the teams and assigns projects to them.

Design director is a design lead – has the most experience, oversees the whole process, guides it and takes the major decisions at the “crossroads” when a decision is needed to move forward with. He/She is involved in the creative conversations and guides the process having the helicopter view but sometimes zooms in on certain details sharing his/her knowledge.

Senior architect supported by a junior architect is responsible for pushing the design forward based on collaborative discussions. They would do all the tests of promising solutions whether it’s massing, façade design or proposed views. They would also do most of the background work like research and analysis. They summarise findings and present it to the rest of the team for creative discussion.

Senior landscape and interior architects usually are in the core team from the beginning and participate in periodic meetings when the strategic decisions are made. They keep an eye on the design narrative and direction the project is moving towards making sure their input complements the overall design vision.  Junior staff members from both disciplines are included as well so they can share their thoughts stimulating the creative exchange and learn from the process. They also play a key role in assembling the submission and production of graphics explaining the project.

Understanding the requirements and client

It is important to carefully read the brief and note important points out of it. Especially requests that are out of ordinary and are unique to the project.  We look for characteristics that make this project different from others of its kind. We have to understand the client’s needs and respond to them. As architects we see ourselves as experts, but we should not try to force your vision but rather apply our expertise to fulfill the desired vision in creative and innovative ways. In a competition we often take some risks and slightly bend the rules, proposing solutions that go beyond the rules and requirements when we feel it is warranted and can differentiate us from the competition.

Headquarters case study:
We were limited to 8 levels by zoning but there was no height limit. We separated the 6 level office block from the 2 level podium to achieve the floating effect and create a unique, green, naturally ventilated and sheltered meeting space in between at the same time raising the main volume higher to give it a stronger urban presence. The interpretation of the gap is a gray area, we decided to consider it part of a landscaped roof rather than a building level. This move was bending the rules but the pros of it outweigh the cons and we felt it’s worth the risk. 

Another aspect of understanding the client is doing research on the entity we are designing for. We should understand what their history is, what their core values are, how they see their working environment, how they want to be perceived by the public, what are the other buildings they made. Answering those questions will help us make educated decisions down the road.

Headquarters case study:
The company that we designed for has a long history during which it has undergone some rapid changes. They want to be seen as an advanced tech company pushing the boundaries and leading the technological development. We felt the building should reflect that vision and we proposed some daring and bold solutions that would stand out and visualise those aspirations.

In contrast to this project we were once asked by a government official to simplify the hospital building look even though it brough no cost reduction because he felt it “looked too expensive” and was afraid how it will be perceived by the public.

 Another take-away from our research was that all of the office buildings done by the company had their logo embedded in the design in some visible way. We have tested that in our approach and found that the “V” shaped building can respond quite well to our site conditions. It provided two qualities we were after – strong urban façade from the side of highway and a courtyard opening towards the river and city views. “V” motif can be also found in some other moments like the first and last row of columns that support the office block.


Understanding the context

At B+H we always try to create architecture that is contextual. We want our buildings to work well with the surroundings providing a response to urban, natural, social and political conditions. To do that we have to gather as much information about the site as possible.

We do a thorough research on the urban context including valuable green areas, water bodies, major roads, access to site, neighboring functions, location vs city centre, airport to other important destinations within a certain radius. When we do this research, we try to find out not only what is there now but also understand the history of the place and its development as well as the future plans for this region. History of the place can be a great source of inspiration and knowledge of development plans can guide us to future proof solutions. Another part of urban research is studying the neighbouring architecture and significance of those buildings. 

We always study the climate conditions of the site. It’s orientation towards the sun, direction of prevailing winds and amount of rainfall. 

It’s also important to imagine what will be the social impact of the new development to the neighbours. Can we engage them is some positive way to strengthen the integration with surroundings and enhance the continuous urban fabric.

Headquarters case study:
In our research we learned that our plot lies along the planned “Hanoi green belt” which is a major city wide plan for a series of linear parks located along the rivers that run through the city. We decided that opening up to and engaging that green belt should be one of the main characteristics of the project and our design drivers. 

Another important driver was the location that is facing one of the most important highways leading in and out of the city. We knew that this side should have the iconic façade that would be visible and perceived from a fast-moving vehicle.

Finding inspiration 

Aside from finding the right answers to design requirements and local context it’s always good to add a layer of softer, more creative design solutions that are rooted in the local nature, culture and history. This is often the layer of design that makes it unique to the place.  That is why we always do research in those fields using them as precedents that inspire and guide the design process

Headquarters case study:

Some of the local inspirations can be found in our design. For example:

Elevated volume of the office creates a sheltered well ventilated space to rest – just like in the traditional houses on stilts found across Vietnam.

Open staircases connecting office floors were inspired by vertical connectivity in narrow and tall tube houses which are a unique typology that evolved over a long period of time in Vietnam and are characteristic to Hanoi city center. 

Free layout of public functions located in the podium was inspired by dense urban villages neighbouring our site. 

In the green podium and landscape design of the courtyard you can see the reminiscence of green rice field terraces which are a very picturesque sight in Vietnam.


Current trends research

Once you already have some thoughts on your design It’s good to do research on what are the trends now in design of similar spaces. If you isolate yourself from the global trends there is also a chance you will find yourself “reinventing the wheel” rather than come up with completely new and ground-breaking ideas. Progress in architecture is done more by evolution rather than revolution. It’s good to do some case studies that go deeper than promotional photos and let you understand the rationale behind the project. Those studies also help you get into the mood of a certain function, be it hospital, office building, senior housing or mixed use development. 

Setting up the basic design principles 

After we gather all this information, we have a discussion within a bigger group to decide what are the key objectives of the project that we think answer the clients needs best, that will drive the design and become its main characteristics. It’s good to have some experienced members that have the confidence and respect and will help to set the course.  At the end those simple bullet points should be rephrased and formulated in an open manner that can be applied to different aspects of design. They should also tap into the client’s brief and provide solutions creating a bridge between requirements and the presented project.

Headquarters case study:

Design principles (Initial) :

  • Iconic Presence/Landmark building
  • Connection to Green Belt of Hanoi
  • Activated ground floor
  • Good connection between departments
  • Flexibility/scalability
  • Taking advantage of the favourable natural conditions in the area
  •  “Whole life design” approach

 Design principles (Rephrased, Final)| the elements that unify and inspire our collective approach

  1. Harmony with place – getting inspired by local nature and culture to create an iconic building for the future rooted in tradition

2.Energy, enthusiasm, passion – environment designed to bring pride, confidence, optimism, enthusiasm and creativity to the company’s employees 

  1. Mission to lead – The architecture is unique – a landmark building in the area, helping to strengthen the brand’s name and image and attract the attention from clients and partners.
  2. Create connections – establishing deep linkages between the realms of architecture, interior and landscape, blurring indoor and outdoor, melding above grade and below grade, self and community, natural and urban, interconnecting existing and new into a cohesive campus for all. Design ensures the workflow and good connection of different departments

Relax and let your imagination do the work 

At this point our heads should be packed and buzzing with ideas circling the design principles bouncing around, clashing with each other and forming different configurations. It’s this time when your brain does multiple quick operations that you don’t even follow consciously. It’s when you try to connect the inspirations with requirements at the same time responding to local climate and urban context. Some of those elements form pairs, some create more objectives. It’s good to note them down or sketch them out. Once you have a bunch of those interesting leads you can start connecting them. Finding some that will talk to each other and form a cohesive story. You should also be careful not to force some ideas if they do not fit to the mix even though they seem appealing. Park them and maybe you will be able o re- use them somewhere else in the project for example in interior or landscape design. Some others have to be cut if they take away from the clarity of concept and overall vision.

Sketching and massing 

Once we start imagining different ideas we test them out in a quick sketch. When you are drawing them you know if it feels right or not and will be able to focus your effort on the ones with more promise. After forming those thoughts it’s good to do some massing exercises whether in a styrofoam model or a 3D model. It should be built to a proper scale to see if the proposed building will actually fit all the required programs.  That will allow you to test how the massing “sits” on the plot and within context.

This usually reveals some pros and cons of studied directions and will lead to multiple massing iterations that try to combine strong features of each option. More sketches on top of the images of a 3D model are produced to quickly test ideas. It’s also helpful to back up your sketches with references during an internal discussion of a presentation to a client – that will help to fill in the blanks and imagine the final effect you are after.  References let you save time and paint a more complete picture and stimulate imagination. It is quite useful for testing the waters in a meeting with a client who is not always fit to understand the vision of the building based on sketches and description. 

It’s good to disband for some time and work separately during that phase. Let your imagination go free. Form some ideas in your head separately and bring them back to the table. See who came up with what and  if there are some thoughts from different team members that went in a similar direction. It might mean these are worth exploring further. “Mix and match” ideas, inspire each other, don’t feel bad about your ideas getting discarded and don’t feel shy to comment and improve someone else’s solutions. Listen to everyone from most experienced team members to fresh minds unencumbered with previously done projects.

Headquarters case study:

We tested many paths and approaches for the project. Out of that effort three options emerged and were taken to the next stage

Taking the most promising options to the next level

After all the sketching and massing tests it’s good to choose a few most promising options to see how the functional program can be resolved inside, try to imagine the circulation and how they generally work. That allows us to see which one is more convincing in terms of program layout connectivity, ease of construction, orientation towards sun and views etc. 

Once a preferred direction is chosen, massing is fixed, and the main characteristics of the building are decided, we shift gears and intensify the work. This is the point where the team grows and new members are added from the landscape and interior teams helping the senior members to develop ideas.

Headquarters case study:

For us the final version once again became a hybrid between the two out of three developed options combining the best qualities of both.

Façade studies, landscape design and interior design

Once the massing is fixed, the process becomes more complex with more people working in parallel. General ideas are already formed at this point so we know they will eventually fit but every aspect needs fine tuning. Architects usually focus on façade design, landscape and interior designers form their own side story that works with the overall idea. It’s important to keep it consistent and resolve the “node” elements where those realms meet. For example, the main drop off where landscaped areas lead you to the entrance lobby that is expressed on the façade and welcomes you after you enter. This should be a special moment where all domains work together to provide the arrival experience. This is also the moment where we ask ourselves what are the qualities that we should focus on to enrich the design. 

Headquarters case study:

In the façade design we wanted to achieve few key things – consistent look that would unify the suspended office block and make it read as one big object, strong iconic look from the highway side, dynamic effect changing as you pass by the building in the car, open character revealing the inner workings of the company and opening the views to the city from the river side. We have tested many options and discussed pros and cons to finally choose a “V” shaped panel system that would wrap the whole office block and adapt the louver depth and opacity to respond to sun orientation to provide optimal self shading and views.

Delivering the project – Presentation, visualisation, diagrams

Type of deliverables differs from project to project. Most commonly there are three. Extensive booklet explaining the project in detail, large format boards highlighting the most important qualities of the design and the multimedia animation which is a combination of 2D graphics and 3D flythrough that should “sell” the project within 2- 4 minutes.

This is a moment where the team grows once again. For animated flythrough and a limited number of renderings we usually employ an external rendering company. That allows the internal team to focus on producing content that explains the project- 2D and 3D plans and sections, diagrams, tables etc.

From my experience it’s good to start with the booklet as soon as possible. Keep a live file that will be constantly updated as the project progresses. Set up one template and chapters and share with other team members so they can take charge of their own pieces and develop them simultaneously. This will pay off once the final presentation is assembled and every minute counts. This “master presentation” also helps to export the latest progress sets for team discussions and keep track of the amount of work done and still outstanding. It’s important to keep the overview and make sure things are progressing in parallel. We are talking about a concept design so there is no need to resolve everything so you should plan your effort strategically and focus on highlighting the most important features of the building.

Well composed presentation should have a good rhythm of an interesting story with a strong beginning and finish and some evenly distributed highlights on the way. It also gives an opportunity to zoom in on some detailed solutions we are proud of and want to highlight.


Headquarters case study:

We employed a few strategies that were taken to the next level. First one was a unique structural system that was a mix of concrete and steel superstructure around the office volume with interstitial floors built using Cross laminated timber.

Another concept was driving the interior design. It was about interconnectivity and flexibility in department planning and growth not only horizontally but also vertically. We achieved that by introducing a series of double height open staircases and grand atrium at the centre of the “V” that led down to shared spaces in the podium and landscaped roof over it. They were placed on the inner faces of the block where the façade was more glazed to show the openness of the company to the public and their customers.

Boards are usually “the best of” from the booklet. Don’t try to explain too much with them – just the main message that needs to catch an eye and stand out. Unless there is no booklet and boards are the only submission material. Then you have to find a balance between being informative and overcrowding the panels. Either way it’s important to plan them in a way that each of them works separately bringing focus to certain aspects of the project but they also should fit together when displayed side by side.

Animation or multimedia is something that is increasingly more popular in required deliverables. It’s a short video that should help to explain and “sell” the project to clients. It can be approached in many different ways from an informative video with diagrams and exploded axonometric explaining the design to a narrated story showing the way building will be experienced by the users.

Headquarters case study:

Our animation focused on the dual aspect of the building. We decided to highlight the iconic look of the building from the “urban side” and the shimmering effect of the vertical V panels on the façade that seem to open up as you pass by it on the highway. As the camera goes to the other side, the viewer can appreciate the “soft side” of the building where the courtyard and atrium with glazed walls open up to engage the river park and establish visual connection between the workspace and city of Hanoi.


Architect and urban Designer from Krakow, Poland. Gained his experience through travelling and working in different places – Denmark, Netherlands, China, Canada and Poland. He uses his knowledge and understanding of the context to work on conceptual phases of design with various teams from different regions of the world. He believes in contextual design anchored in local context and crafted with people in mind. Actively follows and takes part in local community initiatives regarding urban development of his city.

A fan of city cycling throughout the whole year regardless of the temperature and weather. Traditional martial arts adept for over 20 years and counting. During vacations – diver and snowboarder.




If you would like to ready more case studies like the one above please check our annual publication

 Architecture Competitions Yearbook.

Categories: Articles
Date: January 29, 2025