
Extension for Alvar Aalto Museum

Submission: October 30, 2015
Registration:  October 16, 2015
Language: Finnish, English
Location: Jyväskylä , Finland
Prizes: 1st Prize 14000€, 2nd Prize 7000€, 3rd Prize 5000€
Type: Open 


The museums of the Jyväskylä Ruusupuisto area, Alvar Aalto museum and the Museum of Central Finland, are both significant works of architect Alvar Aalto. The goal of the competition is to create a design for an extension to connect the two museums in a way that represents the high architectural level of the place. The new extension will have to adapt to its worthy environment in a balanced way, and to find a natural connection with the architecture of Alvar Aalto (1898–1976).

The new extension between the museums will serve as a connecting gateway between the museums, as a shared museum shop and as a technical space. The extension will enable the shared use of the already existing exhibition spaces, the passenger elevator, the auditorium, the cafeteria and the workroom spaces. The functionality of the spaces is an essential part of the high level design requirements.

This competition is a public procurement not exceeding the EU threshold value. The contract notice has been published in HILMA, a Finnish service for public procurement notices, on 29 June 2015. The competition documents will be published in pdf form, in Finnish and in English. The competition entries can be presented in Finnish or in English.

The participation right for the public design competition is free. The competition is intended for the citizens of all nations.

The total prize sum in the competition is 30 000€. There are three prizes in the competition; first prize 14 000€, second prize 7 000€, and third prize 5 000€. In addition there are two pur- chases of 2 000€ each. The jury may unanimously decide to award the prize sum differently by the competition rules of the Finnish Association of Architects. Tax exemption will be applied for the prizes. The payments are made via the Finnish Association of Architects, SAFA. SAFA charges a percentage of 7% on the prizes in accordance with its competition rules.

The competition is organised according to the rules of the Finnish Association of Architects, SAFA. The competition program has been verified and approved by the organisers, the com- petition jury and the competition board of the Finnish Association of Architects, SAFA.

The competition program and its attachments are free of charge. The competition invitation is published in the web site of HILMA, the Finnish service for public procurement notices from 29 June to 30 October 2015. The competition documents will be available from the web site of Al- var Aalto Foundation www.alvaraalto.fi/ruusupuisto from 6 July 2015.

The new extension connecting the Museum of Central Finland and the Alvar Aalto Museum enables the versatile use of the spaces of both museums. A new museum shop will be situat- ed in the extension and the connecting gateway will enable the accessibility of the Alvar Aalto museum. The extension will also enable the shared use of the auditorium of the Museum of Central Finland, the cafeteria ‘Café Alvar’ of the Alvar Aalto Museum, and the versatile use of other meeting, working and educational spaces.

The space in between the museums with its terraces and water basins creates an interesting outer space. The development of this space is one of the design goals. In addition, the com- petitors are encouraged to express ideas of connecting the museums site to the neighbouring Ruusupuisto square.

The entry will have to be presented in three horizontal A3-sized sheets (pdf). The required documents are:

  • −  general layout plan 1:500
  • −  section plan, where the connection of the Alvar Aalto Museum, the extension and the Museum of Central Finland is presented 1:200
  • −  floor plans (two levels), sections and elevations with material and colour markings relevant to the entry 1:200
  • −  illustration of the extension inserted into a given photograph
  • −  summary report
  • −  other material can be presented inside the given sheet space
  • −  the entry material has to be sent in one file (max. 50 Mt)
  • −  in addition to the competition entry material, a file containing the pseudonym information has to be sent (for example pseudonym.docx)

    The competition is pseudonymous. All documents must be marked with the competitor’s cho- sen pseudonym. The competition entry material has to include a text file, which contains the following information: the pseudonym, the name(s) of the author(s), (and assistants), contact information (address and telephone number) for the contact person, and the entry’s copyright holder. The files will be opened only in case of the prize winning or purchased entries. All in- formation that could identify the authors of the design is to be removed from the entry material files.

    The competition entries must be delivered by e-mail no later than 30 October 2015 16:00.

    The registration to the competition must be done no later than 16 October 2015 16:00 by sending an e-mail to the address ruusupuisto@alvaraalto.fi. The competitor will receive an answer including a username, a password and instructions for the submission of the en- tries. E-mails are confidential and the competition is pseudonymous.


Go to the competition’s website