Submission: July 25, 2020
Registration: July 25, 2020
Language: English
Location: Concept
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open
AIA Austin in partnership with Design Voice, Women in Architecture-Austin, Emerging Professionals and Latinos in Architecture propose Force-Majeure, a design competition that addresses contemporary issues that are impacting our lives during this pandemic.
Either act of god or being of superior force, our society deals with Force-Majeure scenarios on many different scales. Turning this scenario, that are often unexpected or overwhelming, into opportunities to engage the community is what the Force-Majeure Ideas Competition represents. It poses the simple question of how we can as professionals help in times of immense need and attention.
This competition is meant to serve as a tool that prompts intense thinking and tough discussion on how design can help mitigate crises. This year’s ideas competition is a multi-brief format that will challenge teams to think critically of how to design spaces in which people cannot physically be together, but still need access to basic needs and services around the community.
Competition opens online May 25, 2020. Deadline is July 25, 2020 with a competition winner announced in early August. A first place prize is $1,000 with an Honorable Mention prize of $500. An exhibition is being planned for entries that propose an interesting solution to the brief. No registration fee is required.
May 25 Competition Opens
June 8 Online Forum with Organizers and Participants
July 25 Competition Submissions Due (11:59 CST) via the AIA Austin Portal
Early August Competition Winner Announced
August 19 Roundtable Discussion at AIA Austin Summer Conference
1st Place $1,000 Honorable Mention $500
*All entries that propose an interesting solution to the brief will potentially be presented in a digital exhibition, followed by a physical exhibition.