Submission: May 15, 2017
Registration: March 29, 2017
Language: English
Location: Concept
Prizes: 1st place: 2,000€, 2nd place: 1,500€, 3rd place: 1,000€
Type: Students Competition
The American Institute of Architects (AIA), Custom Residential Architects Network (CRAN) knowledge community is pleased to announce the HERE+NOW: A House for the 21st Century residential student design competition for the 2016-2017 academic year. Administered by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) and sponsored by AIA, CRAN, this program is intended to provide architecture students, working individually or in teams, with a platform to explore residential architecture and residential architectural practice.
According to the US Census1, over 920,000 units of single family housing were completed in 2014. Many of these houses were built speculatively, as a generic prototype independent of context. Historically, Residential Architecture has represented a direct expression of culture and context, with local, vernacular elements informing the stylistic preference of the time. While the exterior of a house presents a more individualized image of its owner(s), the underlying design elements speak to broader cultural ideas of domesticity and family. Technological innovation, both in materials and systems, continues to advance the level of energy efficiency and resiliency in homes designed and built today.
This competition challenges students to envision a house for HERE+NOW: informed by context, culture, and vernacular, but fully embracing 21st century technology and ideas of domesticity.
First, second & third prizes will be awarded, in addition to a selected number of honorable mentions, all at the discretion of the jury. A total of $6,000 will be distributed in the following manner to the winners:
First Prize………………. Student…………………… $2,000
…………………………….. Faculty Sponsor…………. $700
Second Prize………….. Student…………………… $1,500
…………………………….. Faculty Sponsor…………. $500
Third Prize……………… Student…………………… $1,000
…………………………….. Faculty Sponsor…………. $300
Winners will be notified of competition results directly. A list of winning projects will be posted on the ACSA website, CRAN website and promoted to media outlets. First place winner(s) will also receive a stipend to attend the 2017 CRAN Symposium in Sonoma, California. All award winning projects will be displayed and winners will be recognized at the 2016 Symposium.
Because the AIA represents member interests of Architects primarily practicing in the U.S., the competition is open to students from ACSA Members Schools from the U.S., Canada, and Mexico only. The competition is open to all currently enrolled students. All student entrants are required to work under the direction of a faculty sponsor. Entries will be accepted for individual as well as teams. Teams must be limited to a maximum of five students. Submissions should be principally the product of work in a design studio or related class. Entries should be work principally developed for this competition over the course of the 2016–2017 academic year. Projects previously submitted for awards or competitions are ineligible.
The intent of this competition is to provide an academically rigorous design challenge suitable for integration into the curriculum of an architectural design studio or course. Curriculum integration is not a requirement of competition guidelines, but is strongly encouraged. The administration of the competition at each institution is left to the discretion of the faculty within the guidelines set forth in this document.
Submissions must be designed on no more than four 20” x 20” (portrait format) digital boards. The names of student participants, their schools, or faculty sponsors, must NOT appear on the boards.
Registered students are required to submit all boards uploaded through the ACSA website in Portable Document Format (PDF) –or– image (JPEG) files. Each digital board should be uploaded as an individual compressed file. Participants should keep in mind that, due to the large number of entries, preliminary review does not allow for the hanging end-to-end display of presentation boards. Accordingly, participants should not use text or graphics that cross over from board to board.
A brief essay, 500 words maximum, in English, is required as part of the student submission describing critical elements of the design concept and relay information on site selection and client. Keep in mind that the presentation should graphically convey the design solution and context as much as possible, and not rely on the design essay to convey a basic understanding of the project. The names of student participants, their schools or faculty sponsors, must NOT appear in the design essay. This abstract is included in the final online submission, completed by the student(s) in a simple copy/paste text box.
A faculty sponsor is required to enroll students online (available at by March 29, 2017. An online registration form must be completed for an entire team or for each individual participant. There is no registration fee to participate in the challenge. Each registered participant will receive a confirmation email that will include information for final online submission. Please add the email address to your address book to ensure that you receive all emails regarding your submission.
The competition is open for currently enrolled students, only, and will require a faculty sponsor from an ACSA member school to enroll students by completing an online registration form (available at by March 29, 2017. Faculty sponsors must complete a form for the entire studio or for each individual student or team of students participating. Each student will receive a confirmation email that will include personal login information for final online submission. Students or teams wishing to enter the challenge on their own must have a faculty sponsor, who should complete the form.
During registration the faculty will have the ability to add students, add teams, assign students to teams, and add additional faculty. Registration is required by March 29, 2017, after which edits and additions can be made until a student starts a final submission, then the registration is not editable. Faculty may assign a “Faculty Representative” to a registered student, who will have access to change, edit, and make additions to the registration.
Digital Submission Format
Submissions must be designed on no more than four 20” x 20” (portrait format) digital boards. The names of student participants, their schools, or faculty sponsors, must NOT appear on the boards.
Registered students are required to submit all boards uploaded through the ACSA website in Portable Document Format (PDF) –or– image (JPEG) files. Each digital board should be uploaded as an individual compressed file. Participants should keep in mind that, due to the large number of entries, preliminary review does not allow for the hanging end-to-end display of presentation boards. Accordingly, participants should not use text or graphics that cross over from board to board.
Design Essay or Abstract
A brief essay, 500 words maximum, in English, is required as part of the student submission describing critical elements of the design concept and relay information on site selection and client. Keep in mind that the presentation should graphically convey the design solution and context as much as possible, and not rely on the design essay to convey a basic understanding of the project. The names of student participants, their schools or faculty sponsors, must NOT appear in the design essay. This abstract is included in the final online submission, completed by the student(s) in a simple copy/paste text box.
Program updates, including information on jury members as they are confirmed, may be found on the ACSA website: