Submission: January 28, 2018
Registration: January 20, 2018
Language: English
Location: Concept
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Ideas Competition
Have you ever seen an amazing house in an architecture magazine or a movie and been awestruck by its beauty, its location, or its simplicity? Be it Bilbo Baggins’ house in The Hobbit, or Tony Stark‘s stunning Malibu home in the Iron Man; be it the solitary Falling Water amidst the nature by Frank Llyod Wright, or a house in a beautiful European town like Mykonos; there is a lot of great architecture when it comes to houses.
The idea for the competition arose out of a simple discussion in an auto-rickshaw when two architects were discussing their ‘dream houses’. How it’d be, where it’d be, how big it’d be et al. That got me into thinking that a lot of people discuss their dream house but not everyone has the technical skills to present their ideas on paper. Luckily, we as architects do. But still, seldom it happens that we sketch or detail out our dream house. Maybe because we’re too busy with our lives that we do not get enough time to ponder over that thought of our dream house and there is never an opportunity to even think about it. And hence that HOUSE remains A DREAM.
So this is that opportunity, that you were waiting for. To pen down that house that you dream of and make it come out of that abstract phase in your mind, and render itself in the form of architectural drawings and graphics. Thus giving you a chance to design your dream house, and a reason to do it too, courtesy of this competition.
The aim of the competition is to manifest into reality the idea of your dreams, and create a house based on it. It is to create a place that’d be both a reality, and have a touch of dreaminess to it.
The way you manifest that dream into a built typology of a house is the ultimate challenge of this competition. For this very purpose, there are no restrictions on the type, size, & setting of the house. This is for the purpose of giving maximum freedom to the designers, to let loose their imaginations (and dreams). The design intervention should aim at propagating the idea of a dream house, that you desire.
Start of Competition: October 25, 2017
Deadline for Registration: January 20, 2018
Deadline for Submission: January 28, 2018
Announcement of Winners: February 14, 2018
Note: All deadlines are 11:59 pm – 00:00 am IST (Indian Standard Time)
Entrants may register as individuals or as a group consisting of maximum 3 members. All architecture and design students, as well as professionals are eligible to participate in the competition. They may do so by filling the registration form and submitting it with the appropriate payment through the secure gateway (PayPal/Instamojo) on our website
Early Registration Period (October 25 to November 19) – $20
Regular Registration Period (November 20 to December 24) – $25
Late Registration Period (December 25 to January 20) – $35
Note: It would not be possible to amend or update the information relating to your registration including the names of the group members once validated.
First Prize – $500 + Certificate
Second Prize – $200 + Certificate
Third Prize – $100 + Certificate
3+ Honorable Mentions to be published on the site