Submission: May 15, 2018
Registration: April 11, 2018
Language: English
Location: Iceland
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open
Iceland has a vast, wild landscape, with some of the most unique and incredible natural views in the world. Appropriately known as the land of fire and ice, Iceland’s volcanic fields blend seamlessly into gigantic glaciers and tumbling waterfalls. Iceland is also an ideal location to view the iconic Aurora Borealis, otherwise known as the Northern Lights.
For the Iceland Northern Lights Rooms architecture competition, participants are tasked with creating the concept for a guest house from which to view this breathtaking spectacle. The guest house would need to be able to permanently accommodate its hosts, as well as providing welcoming temporary accommodation for guests.
The building complex would need to feature a series of separate, detached guest bedrooms, scattered around the site. The key attraction of the each room would be its unobstructed view of the sky, allowing guest to gaze at the Northern Lights from the comfort of their own beds.
All winning entries will be put forward for consideration for construction, which is planned to take place in 2019.
Competition is open to all. No professional qualification is required. Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (4 team members maximum).
3 winning proposals + 2 special award recipients and 6 honourable mentions will be selected. Bee Breeders will award a total of US $6,000 in prize money to competition winners as follows:
1st Prize – US $3,000
2nd Prize – US $1,500
3rd Prize – US $500
+ 6 honourable mentions
BB Student Award – US $500
BB Green Award – US $500
Early Bird Registration: 12 OCTOBER – 08 DECEMBER
Advance Registration: 09 DECEMBER – 14 FEBRUARY
Last Minute Registration: 15 FEBRUARY – 11 APRIL
Closing date for registration: 11 APRIL, 2018
Closing date for submission: 15 MAY, 2018 (11:59pm GMT+0)
Announcement of the winners: 30 MAY, 2018