green coliving center

Ideas Competition – Green Coliving Center

Submission: February 29, 2020
Registration: February 14, 2020
Language: Spanish
Location: Mexico City
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open


A collective housing project (coliving) will be conceptualized, as an instrument of replicable design within Mexico City and that serves as a scheme for other cities with the problem of over population and high demand for quality housing.


1º PRICE US $ 2,500
+ Exhibition and diffusion in the main architecture sites worldwide.
+ Virtual booklet of the best proposals.
2º PRICE US $ 500

+ Exhibition and diffusion in the main architecture sites worldwide.
+ Virtual booklet of the best proposals.

+ Exhibition and diffusion in the main architecture sites worldwide.
+ Virtual booklet of the best proposals.


04th november 2019 | Call to announcement
11th november 2019| Start of inscriptions
11th december 2019 | Completion of the first stage of inscriptions

07th january 2020| Ad members of the Jury

12th january 2020 | End of consultation period
13th january 2020 | Completion of the second stage of inscriptions

14th febrary 2020 | End of registration period
29th febrary 2020 | Deadline for submission of proposals
06th march 2020 | Judgment of the jury
10th march 2020 | Dissemination of results
16th march 2020 | Awards

Go to the competition’s website