Submission: April 02, 2017
Registration: March 24, 2017
Language: English, French
Location: Montreal, Canada
Prizes: $6,000 in prizes
Type: Open
CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY RESEARCH CHAIR IDEAS-BE + LE CONSEIL RÉGIONAL DE L’ENVIRONNEMENT DE MONTREAL + UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTRÉAL RESEARCH CHAIR ON COMPETITIONS are organizing an environmentally engaged ideas competition for reinvigorating public spaces around bus stops. This competition is open to students and graduates of less than 5 years in the fields of architecture, design, landscape and urban design.
This ideas competition seeks both:
(a) designs that are environmentally engaging; and (b) a series of principles that could be adopted for future implementation in collaboration with the City of Montreal, the STM and private landowners.
The Project
This competition seeks ideas and projects stimulate appreciation of urban spaces by highlighting the significance of nature, art, and design. The chosen slogan, “MORE THAN WAITING FOR THE BUS” invites designers to reflect on contemporary approaches that can help invigorate these spaces in interactive, poetic, critical and meaningful ways: from solely utilitarian to more multi-purposed spaces surrounding bus stops.
Competitors must be aware that this is not a competition for redesigning a bus shelter, but rather an opportunity to rethink the site surrounding the bus stops. The intention is to make waiting for the bus enjoyable in a variety of ways and to encourage citizens to use the bus rather than their car, all year long, including hot summer days and long cold winter months. Furthermore, as opposed to current practices which consider bus stops as universally dropped objects onto urban spaces, the organizers seek to constitute a Best Practice Guide that will include a synthesis of principles submitted by each team of competitors.
February 2, 2017: Registration Opens
February 16, 2017: Competition Launch: full brief released online
March 2, 2017: Presentation + Only Forum of Questions Event – at the Maison du développement durable (MDD)
March 24, 2017: Registration Closes
April 2, 2017: Competition Submission Deadline at 5:00PM EST
April 10, 2017: Competition Jury Meeting
April 18, 2017: Event for the Announcement of the Winners – online and at MDD)
There are four different bus stop sites (each a different type) in this ideas competition. Teams can propose only one submission per bus stop type (described below) and therefore teams can propose up to a maximum of four idea submissions – one for each of the four bus stop types described below. Each of the submissions will be judged separately. Each panel and text submitted must clearly indicate which bus stop type is addressed in the submission.
All project submissions must also identify at least one key recommendation (or principle) regarding best practices for designing public spaces surrounding bus stops. These recommendations will be collected and summarized into a Best Practice Guide published for Quebec. Entering this competition implies that competitors agree to share their ideas as potential contributions to this collective publication.
One winning proposal will be selected for each bus stop profi le type (four prizes).
Each winning team will receive $1500.
One popular prize of $250 will also be awarded, on the basis of an online vote.
Important Note on Post Competition Responsibilities:
Competitors are reminded that this is a preliminary stage in a process that will necessarily involve experts in various offi ces at the city, borough and STM. The organizers cannot guarantee that the winning projects will be built as submitted but will support the ideas of the young winning designers in the future developments of the project. All competitor names will be clearly indicated in future publications related to this competition as well as included in the acknowledgments in the Best Practice Guide.
Registration is mandatory.
The competition is open to teams of students and graduates of less than 5 years in the fi elds of architecture, design, landscape and urban design. Projects will be judged anonymously. You must register your team in order to receive a team number. All documents you submit cannot contain any team names or identifi ers of team members, but rather each submission must be identifi ed by the team number you are assigned at registration.