cybernetic competition

Innovative Minds 2017 – Cybernetic Framework

Submission: June 01, 2017
Registration: May 31, 2017
Language: English
Location: Concept
Prizes: 1st Prize: $1000 , 10 Honorable Mentions
Type: Open


Innovative Minds 2017 is an exploration into the relationship between the virtual world blending with physical architecture. The virtual world – built on the framework of vast data networks – is becoming increasingly referential to the nervous system. Architecture strives to tangibly enhance humanity’s wellbeing through the design of complex systems. As cybernetics increasingly interconnects the virtual and physical worlds, how will this relationship influence architecture and its physical context to solve complicated problems?

As humans continue to design the virtual and physical worlds, how can cybernetics bridge these domains? Inherent challenges are evident in every site associated with physical architecture. Use these site-specific characteristics to investigate a cybernetic framework that will expand architectural strategies such as environmental contextualism, user interaction, building function, and/or construction techniques. Your framework will present a new way of interacting with the built world.


Any site may be chosen for the design competition.
This project may be designed on any scale; micro to macro.
The relationship between the chosen site and the architectural design must be clearly articulated.


Open to all individuals and teams of up to 4 members. Students, design professionals, artists, and engineers are encouraged to apply. This is an international competition.


December 1, 2016 – Competition requirements announced (registration begins) March 1, 2017 – Early registration deadline (last day for discounted registration fee) May 31, 2017 – Registration deadline
June 1, 2017 – Submission deadline
June 1 – June 30, 2017- Official judging panel evaluations
July 1, 2017 – Winner of the Innovative Minds Competition announced


Early Registration:

$30 USD   Early registration is available for a discounted rate of $30 until March 1, 2017.

Standard Registration:

$50 USD   Regular registration is $50 between March 2, 2017 and  May 31, 2017.


Project files must be submitted electronically by June 1, 2017 and include:

1. A text file (.doc) containing team member names, school or firm if necessary and the location of the individual/team (country, city, state).

2. Project Statement in 300 words or less (.doc) file format. English is the official language of the competition.

3. Two (2) horizontal boards, 24″ x 36″ 300 dpi in PDF format (.pdf).

Go to the competition’s website