Submission: 17th April 2023
Registration: 17th April 2023
Language: English
Location: Indonesia
Prizes: Please see the details below
Type: Open
Wiswakharman Expo is an annual architecture event series held by architecture students of Universitas Gadjah Mada. Every year, Wiswakharman Expo brings a fascinating theme.
International Architecture Competition is one of the events of the series that gives a chance for architecture students to compete in the architectural field. Given theme has to be learned, calculated, and refined so the design output can be performed well. Participants were given the freedom to express and explore with a predetermined theme.
【 Background 】
Approximately 7% of the urban population is poor, which means the proportion is almost exactly above the poverty line. Underprivileged people often live in slums, informal settlements, and in overcrowded housings. They live in self-built settlements on government land without legal ownership and form their own social and cultural networks in accordance with their economic conditions (Miller, et al, 2012). These settlements are generally crammed with first and second place buildings which function as a place to live and often also used as a trading place. Moreover, informal settlements appear without any planning, hence the main problem caused by the existence of this area is the unevenness of the settlement arrangement which could potentially lead to the creation of new slum areas.
The existence of underdeveloped settlements could cause problems for the community itself, one of them being the lack of proper communal spaces that could have otherwise facilitated social interactions and recreational activities. Due to the inadequate amount of proper communal spaces, especially in suburban or outskirt villages, most created communal spaces are the result of community’s efforts, such as children playgrounds, recreational areas, and shops, and those facilities might be too narrow and insufficient for communal activities.
According to the sociologist Ray Oldenburg, the third place is a space or place for community gathering and activities other than home (the first place) and the working place (the second place). Third place is a public space where people are welcome to go in and out freely without being charged a fee. In settlements, public spaces become a real image of public-private life values that are adopted by the community, given that humans live as social beings who constantly require social interactions.
Therefore, third place issues in informal settlements can be resolved through architectural thinkings. To this date, architecture is often associated with luxurious and beautiful buildings, when in fact, architecture also manifests in less eye-catching forms and is made for all people, for all kinds of strata, for the sake of social justice and poverty eradication. Architecture that empowers society through the lens of sustainability and accessibility can undoubtedly help eradicate global poverty.
【Site Criteria】
The site is located at Jl. Kp. Jogoyudan No.549E, RT.31/RW.07, Gowongan, Kec. Jetis, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55232 (-7.784690,110.369616). It is an open public space in the neighborhood area which is often used as an assembly point for Jogoyudan’s villagers. The site is near Yogyakarta’s downtown, and is crammed with informal settlements near Code River. Assuming that there is no building in this area, the following is the site’s data:
a. GMaps link:
b. Google Earth link:
c. Photo dan 2D (dwg) file:
Early Bird Registration : January 23, 2023 – February 20, 2023
Regular Registration : February 21, 2023 – April 17, 2023
Entries Submission : January 23, 2023 – April 17, 2023
Preliminary Judging (Online) : May 3, 2023
Top 10 Announcement : May 3, 2023
Top 5 Announcement : May 4, 2023
Final Judging (Offline) : May 12, 2023
a. Participants are of an individual or a group with a maximum of three members;
b. Participants are active undergraduate (bachelor or diploma) university students (all majors are permitted) with at least one student from the architecture study program as the group leader;
c. Each participant number is only valid for one work. If the participant wants to send multiple works, the participant must re-register according to the number of works to be included.
Ardhya Nareswari, S.T., M.T., Ph.D – Gadjah Mada University Architecture Lecturer
Dr. Ir. Dwita Hadi Rahmi, M.A. – Gadjah Mada University Architecture Lecturer
Andrea Fitrianto – Architect, Consultant, founder of Architecture Sans Frontières Indonesia
M.L. Varudh Varavarn – Vin Varavarn Architects
Daliana Suryawinata – Founder of SHAU Architect
Eko Prawoto – Architect, Eko Prawoto Architecture Workshop
a. Pay the registration fee:
– Early Bird : Rp 135.000,00 / USD 9 (January 23, 2023 – February 20, 2023)
– Regular : Rp 165.000,00 / USD 13 (February 21, 2023 – April 17, 2023)
b. Transfer to:
[For Indonesian Students]
– BNI: Yudnina Nurnajmi 1425559141
– BRI: Nuha Mehrunisa 216401014669505
[For International Students]
– PayPal:
c. Fill in the registration form at including all
the data needed, which are:
– Information on:
– The team’s name,
– The member’s identity (name, major, phone number, email address),
– Pictures or scans of a student card for all members.
– Upload the form of originality at
– Upload the registration fee payment check.
d. After all of the steps above, please do a confirmation through phone
message/WhatsApp/LINE to
Adin : Whatsapp +62 812-2576-7958 ID Line : bangtanisbae or
Ami : Whatsapp +62 831-3058-3219 ID Line : nnajmi
with this message format: Confirmation IAC WEX 2023_(team’s name);
e. The participant’s competition number will be sent through an email after the
registration process within 3×24 hours.
Link for Term of Reference:
First place = Rp8.500.000,00 (563 USD) + Certificate
Second place = Rp7.000.000,00 (463 USD) + Certificate
Third place = Rp5.000.000,00 (330 USD) + Certificate
– The finalists’ work, both the poster and the physical model, will be displayed in Wiswakharman Expo 2023’s Exhibition in Taman Budaya Yogyakarta on 12-14 May 2023.
– All participants will get an e-certificate. The finalists will get a physical certificate.
>>> Go to the competition’s website <<<