Submission: September 09, 2016
Registration: August 28, 2016
Language: English
Location: Singapore
Prizes: 1st Prize: SGD5,000, 2nd Prize: SGD3000, 3rd Prize: SGD2000
Type: International Students Competition
The International BIM Competition 2016 (the “Competition”) is organised by BCA Academy (“Organiser”), the education and training arm of the Building and Construction Authority (“BCA”), located at 200 Braddell Road, Singapore 579700. The Competition will begin on 06 September 2016 at 9.00am (GMT+8). By participating in the Competition, each team making an application to participate in the Competition (“Participating Team”) and each Team Member unconditionally accepts and agrees to comply with and abide by these Terms and Conditions and the decisions of BCA, which shall be final and binding in all respects.
1.1. All Participating Teams shall register their participation by 28 Aug 2016. Only the registered team members with completed submittals for the International BIM Competition 2016 will receive the certificates of participation.
1.2. The participating schools must be a registered tertiary institution in their respective countries.
1.3. Each school may send more than 1 team consisting minimum 3 members.
1.4. Each Participating Team shall not have more than 8 members (including the team leader).
1.5. Each Participating Team is encouraged to find a mentor to learn the industry BIM good practices from before the competition begins.
1.6. Students below 18 years old shall obtain consent from their respective institutes and parents to participate in the competition.
1.7. The definitive cut-off date for replacement of registered Participants shall be two weeks before the date of the actual competition. The Participants are required to write to the Organiser for such a request and to submit the new name list.
1.8. The Organiser reserves the right to reject any Participant who does not meet the eligibility criteria.
1.9. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel and/or modify the terms and conditions, at any time, during the competition.
2.1. The Participating Teams shall complete the competition at their own premises. Teams are advised to take all necessary precautions to ensure that the competition areas, equipment and machines are safe for use by the team members. The Organiser shall not be held responsible for any mishap that may befall the Participants during the competition.
2.2. Participants may use any programming software, BIM (Building Information Modelling) software or tools that are IFC (Industry Foundation Class) compliant and other supporting analysis/simulation software or graphic and presentation tools during the competition. The submission formats and deliverables shall be released closer to the date of competition.
2.3. The Organiser shall conduct a mass briefing to all participating teams on the 05 September 2016 before the competition. The Participants will be notified through email once the date is confirmed.
2.4. Complete design criteria of the International BIM Competition 2016 shall only be released online to Participating Teams on 29 August 2016, 2.30pm sharp (GMT+8).
3.1. All Participants must comply strictly with all rules & regulations of the competition. The Judges and Organiser reserve the rights to disqualify any Participant if he/she suspects, in its sole discretion, that the Participant did not follow these official rules.
3.2. Failure by the Participant to comply with instructions given by the Judges or Organiser, or Participants caught in cheating and not producing genuine works, may also incur loss of marks.
3.3. Appeals for the shortlisting and results finalisation will not be entertained. The Judges’ decision shall be final.
3.4. All entries and deliverables must be submitted electronically online, within the timeframe given, through the server/web portal provided by the Organiser.
3.5. The Participant must inform the Organiser if he/she falls sick or becomes unwell during the Final Presentation for the competition. An official medical letter shall be submitted to the Organiser. The Judges shall decide if a replacement is deemed necessary or if the Participant has to withdraw from the competition.