Submission: April 30, 2022
Registration: April 30, 2022
Language: English or Italian
Location: Global
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open
LAND AWARD is an International Landscape Award with the aim to reward excellence in this field and recognize the value of significant international projects which give a major contribution in the dialogue between nature and artifice, growing a widespread awareness on the transformation of cities, territories and places of living overall. The aim is to reward the projects that have generated a positive contribution in people’s quality of life and in the integration between art, architecture and landscape.
The Award is organized by Archiforum, a non-profit association that has been promoting cultural events about architecture and landscape for more than twenty years. The initiative is in collaboration with Arketipos Association, organizer of Landscape Festival, one of the most prominent events about landscape and garden internationally, held in Bergamo since 2011.
The event is non-profit and has the patronage of numerous institutions, like the Italian Ministry of Culture, AIAPP, Politecnico di Milano, University of Florence and University of Bergamo. The Award will recognize international projects that represent virtuous examples of the transformation of the territory at multiple scales of design.
The project categories awarded will include:
Urban Landscape
Art and Landscape
Private Landscape
Rural Landscape
Mountain Landscape
Green Product Design
Cooperation and social inclusion
Light design of public spaces
Energy and Landscape
Corporate Landscape
The work of the jury, composed of a scientific committee of prominent personalities and academics in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, architectural criticism and photography, will end on 30 June 2022 and then announce the winning projects for the various categories in September 2022, during the Landscape Festival which has been held for eleven years in the city of Bergamo.
LAND AWARD will be biennial. The first edition, announced to the press on September 2021, will end with the award ceremony scheduled for September 2022. The collection of candidate projects will start from 20 September 2021 and will end by 30 April 2022. The conclusion of the work of the Jury is expected by 30 June 2022.The award ceremony will take place in September 2022 as part of the International Meeting. Until 20 February 2022 is possible to register for early bird submission, which allows to submit material free of charge. After this term, the application is subject to a registration fee according to the methods indicated in the application form.
Opening of free early bird applications: September 20, 2021
Deadline for free early-bird submission: February 20, 2022
Submission deadline: 30 April 2022
Selection of shortlisted projects: 15 May 2022
End of Jury summoning: 30 June 2022
Award ceremony: September 2022
by March 30, 2022 – Free
by April 30, 2022- € 50,00 VAT Included