Submission: July 25, 2016
Registration: June 15, 2016
Language: English, Lithuanian
Location: Kaunas, Lithuania
Prizes: 1st Prize: €1,000, 2nd Prize: €500, 3rd Prize: €300
Type: Students
International exhibition-competition of final projects of architecture students. Kaunas architecture festival KAFe2016 invites to participate in the international exhibition-competition of final projects of university architecture students – of both bachelor and master studies – on the topics of the central part of Kaunas town.
The topic of this year’s KAFe2016 – RESTART YOUR CITY CENTER, therefore development of the central part of town and the role of communities in this process is at the focus of the competition topics suggested for consideration of Lithuanian and foreign architecture universities.
As a part of KAFe2016, the international contest of final projects by graduate students will be one of the most important educational events of the festival.
The announced competition strongly focuses on urban and architectural topics of downtown Kaunas in the students’ final theses.
In their projects, students should present conceptual proposals for areas abandoned or needing development, urbanism and architecture of these territories, students are invited to propose new functions for the reappearance of those territories into the city’s fabric, or suggest ideas for utilization of cultural heritage buildings for a completely new function.
Each school should feel free to adopt and interpret the topics and to determine the size, program and the operating scenario of the object according school’s educational goals.
All submissions will be evaluated by the International Jury chaired by Professor Sir Peter Cook (London). Head of the jury Professor Sir Peter Cook (London). Other members of jury will be announced later.
The participants here will compete for monetary prizes founded by Kaunas University of Technology:
1 place – 1,000 EUR
2 place – 500 EUR
3 place – 300 EUR
Some special nomination will be founded by other KAFe 2016 partners
Two 700 x 1,000 mm panels will be assigned to each work. The organizers will print the digital files sent by the contestants on the panels and will prepare a catalogue of exhibition projects. Exhibition will be held in the public spaces of Kaunas city center and will be open for citizens throughout the whole period of Kaunas Architecture Festival 2016.
A catalogue of projects of the exhibition will be published.
The competition is open to all students of universities of architecture and urbanism studies. The language of the competition is English.
The contestants register on KAFe2016 website and receive and ID for each project assigned by the organizers. Registration is free. Students can participate individually or with a team (up to 3 students), in that case leader of the team is filling the registration form.
Requirements for submission of projects:
2 vertical panels 700 x 1,000 mm of complete design and ready for print, file type – pdf , resolution – 200 dpi.
Names of participants, universities or other identifying inscriptions must be absent from the panels, except for the project ID number at the top corner of each panel.
Names of the submitted files: projectID-1.pdf, projectID-2.pdf
Requirements for the catalogue:
Format: 28 cm x 28 cm, jpeg, resolution 300 dpi, plans, facades, site plan, visualizations, photo of the project author (no more than 5 separate files), names of submitted files: projectID-1.jpg,
projectID-2.jpg, …
Project description: max. 300 words in English, file name:
project ID.doc
All material must be submitted in a single folder, titled by the project ID number. Submission via to e-mail address The email subject should be your project ID
Authors of projects remain owners of their copyright. Authors of projects are held liable for accuracy of information presented in the projects. Organizers of KAFe2016 reserve the right to use the submitted material for press and purposes of publicity of KAFe2016.
February 1: Start of registration of contestants
February 1 – June 15: Publication of information on the process of competition, replies to inquires of the contestants
June 15 – July 25: Submission of competition projects by the contestants to organizers of KAFe2016
July 25 – August 25: Preliminary evaluation of projects by the Jury
September 01 – 30: Final evaluation of projects by the Jury
October 14: Official announcement of results, opening of the exhibition and awards