Submission: June 12, 2019
Registration: June 06, 2019
Language: English, Italian
Location: Roman theater, Italy
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open
CODE – COmpetititons for DEsigners – launches “Italian Tradition Market”, a competition of ideas aiming to design the first market of handcrafted Italian excellences of Art, Craftsmanship, Food and Wine production and Areas on the remains of a 88 B.C. Roman Theater. A cash prize of € 10,000 will be awarded to winners selected by a well-renowned jury made of, among the others, Enzo Eusebi, Alfredo Häberli, Andrea Marcante (Marcante Testa), Benedetta Tagliabue (Miralles Tagliabue), Dong Gong (Vector Architects).
Italy has always been a melting pot of empires, kingdoms and dominations. In the world, Italy is a synonym for tradition. It is the country of bell towers, picturesque views and memory. It is a constellation of tastes, perfumes and knowledge that has been refining over the centuries. This created a plurality of cultures and products. Spaghetti, pizza, fashion, motors, culture, beauty and the variety of areas are part of a heritage that is now known worldwide.
This heritage has ancient origins. Often, it shined through in internationally renowned brands. In other cases, it is still hidden in the workshops of master craftsmen as a prerogative of niches, experts and connoisseurs. In both cases, it has always been excellent and unique. It is a heritage to safeguard and protect for future generations. As the current ones, they will have the opportunity to benefit from the countless traditions and experiences from the world that have been creating Italy.
To this end, CODE launches Italian Tradition Market. It will be the first market of handcrafted Italian excellences of Art, Craftsmanship, Food and Wine production and Areas. It will be a place to preserve, spread and explain the complexity of a magnificent country. It will do so through the diversity of its products and traditions.
Italian Tradition Market will be situated in the foundations of an ancient Roman theater. It will display the very best of Italian craftsmanship and food and wine production. Moreover, it will offer itineraries to learn, taste and delve into the products and the opportunity to purchase the best of Made in Italy.
Italian Tradition Market will offer designers an extraordinary opportunity. They will have the chance to use their creativity for Made in Italy. They will design a project aimed at protecting and telling the very best of Italy to visitors coming from all over the world.
The ruins of the 88 B.C. Roman theater will be the new foundation of the tradition of Italian craftsmanship to make it look towards the future. The architectural intervention will have to become the refined stage of one of the most excellent expressions of Italianness.
– Enzo Eusebi
– Alfredo Häberli
– Andrea Marcante (Marcante Testa)
– Benedetta Tagliabue (Miralles Tagliabue)
– Dong Gong (Vector Architects)
– Matteo Lepore (Comune di Bologna)
– Angelo Scavone (Società Dante Alighieri)
– Barbara Bernardi (Intesa San Paolo)
– Lucia Borgonzoni (Ministero Beni Culturali)
1st PRIZE 5.000 €
2nd PRIZE 3.000 €
3rd PRIZE 1.000 €
2 GOLD MENTIONS 500 € each
15/04/2019 “early bird” registration – start
12/05/2019 (h 11.59 pm GMT) “early bird” registration – end
13/05/2019 “late” registration – start
09/06/2019 (h 11.59 pm GMT) “late” registration – end
12/06/2019 (h 12.00 pm – midday – GMT) material submission deadline
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