
Jazzi Competition

Submission: October 11, 2016
Registration: October 11, 2016
Language: English, Italian
Location: Salerno, Italy
Prizes: 1st place: € 15.000, 2nd place: € 10.000, 3rd place: € 5.000
Type: Open


The Jazzi Cultural Association is promoting this competition in order to discover ideas for the valorisation and narration of the environmental, material and intangible heritage of the Licusati (Camerota) area, located west of Mount Bulgheria and within the Cilento National Park and the Vallo di Diano (Salerno, Italy). It aims to encourage a new way of experiencing nature, through living it as a place for life and relationships, and creating a physical and virtual space that uses hospitality to initiate a strategy for development.


This competition is open to all, with no limits on age or nationality: artists, architects, landscape architects, trekkers, naturalists, creative thinkers, social innovators, designers, students, associations, local communities, simple citizens, and whoever is able to elaborate ideas that are coherent with the competition’s requirements.


The ideas proposed must activate processes for cultural innovation and territorial regeneration, have to deal with the following three themes (individually or combined), and should experiment with original languages that are able to combine the recovery of memory – both material and immaterial – and contemporary creativity.

slow pathways 

The starting point will be the paths that have already been mapped (see Attachments), but ideas do not necessarily have to be limited to them. Ideas proposed should move beyond the traditional concept of a path as a simple route between two destinations.

proposals should:

-Renew the act of crossing, in the slow time from afar that brings the walker closer to those who have already travelled these same paths: shepherds, monks, Carbonaris and bandits.

-Favour the confluence between the two different dimensions that distinguish the Cilento area: the sea and the mountains.
-Propose the rewriting of space – natural, cultural and interior – that arises from the subjectivity of walking.

 living the night 

Ideas must valorise the experience of the night in the jazzi and surrounding areas: a unique dimension, one that evokes nomadic paths more than non-migratory lodging. When walking in nature, stopping is part of the journey: taking time, fully living the cycles of day and night, observing stars and dawns. A nighttime visit to the jazzi can represent an alternative model for enjoying this territory, a welcome retreat from the chaotic coast.

regenerating the jazzi

The jazzi that will be brought back to life will become a first nucleus of diffused hospitality for new travelers. Competition proposals will symbolise simplicity, reutilisation, recycling and energy sustainability, with special attention paid to the use of traditional materials and techniques of the local territory.

The direct experience of Cilento’s conviviality and hospitality may create a laboratory that can satisfy the need for meeting and exchanging knowledge, in order to discover a new way of living nature and this territory.


Participants must work with the three themes indicated in Art. 4, and may propose ideas on one or more themes; proposals that present an integrated approach will be given special consideration.

Proposals may include both works to be created and material or immaterial site-specific projects. This competition for ideas is not necessarily seeking detailed architectural projects involving the jazzi, nor does it intend to result in the creation of landmarks or objects with a predominantly visual impact. This competition for ideas requires that special attention be paid towards the environment and the landscape, in order to imagine a new relationship with nature, history, memory and the local community.

Participants may present ideas that utilise all kinds of instruments and methodologies, involving the community where the project is located and activating practices in order to create relationships and meaningful exchanges.

It is important that participants are aware of the fact that, due to the restrictions this area is subject to, before any type of proposal is carried out, it must be previously authorised by the Superintendency, the Park Authority and the Municipality of Camerota.

Every idea proposed must include the following technical characteristics:

– Environmental sustainability: In order to protect the environmental and naturalistic context, all projects must avoid the use of materials and types of actions or works that could irreversibly alter the state of the spaces they involve, that could be a source of environmental pollution, or that could have a negative influence on the ecosystem and/or on the landscape in general. For example, the following will be excluded: the use of foundations; substantial movements of soil; alterations that could negatively influence the flora and fauna present; projects that cause difficulty for the run-off of meteoric waters or that can entail hydrogeological danger.

– Limits of electric power connection: electric power may be utilised through a connection to the electricity network of the jazzi, limited to the structure’s adjunct property, where present.

– Feasibilty: Ideas will be evaluated according to the real possibility of implementing them.


The 3 Winning Ideas of the “Jazzi” competition will receive an award, as a complete refund of expenses, equal to 15.000,00 Euro for the first ranking, 10.000,00 Euro for the second ranking, 5.000,00 Euro for the third ranking.

These grants will be disbursed in one tranche within three months of the announcement of the Winning Ideas. In the event that the winner is a group, the award will be disbursed to the group leader indicated in the participation form.

Go to the competition’s website