

Submission: November 02, 2016
Registration: October 31, 2016
Language: English
Location: Sant’Agata Bolognese, Italy
Prizes: 1st Prize: €12,000+construction, 2nd Prize: €4,000, 3rd Prize: €2000 
Type: Open


An international legend with an Italian heart. A legend that, starting from 2018, will be enriched by a further exciting chapter. In order to celebrate this event, along with a new en- largement of its base, Automobili Lamborghini intends to innovate the places of the legend inviting all the de- signers to imagine two monumental landmarks at the entrance of its historic plants. How to reflect the character and the values of one of the most renowned and valued brand of the international scenario in an architectonic installation? How to archi- tecturally interpret the DNA of one of the most repre- sentative brands of the automotive history?

This is the challenge of Lamborghini Road Monument, the competition of Automobili Lamborghini to build two architectonic landmarks aimed at marking the entran- ces of Sant’Agata Bolognese and its plant. Two landmarks to celebrate the legend and sculpt in matter the hi- story of speed, power and innovation.

Aimed at creating an internationally known intervention, Lamborghini Road Monument will soon mark contem- porary architecture significantly. Moreover, it will give the opportunity to value the talent of the designers wor- king for the House of the Bull, which is one of the most prestigious and renowned brands in the world. Lamborghini thanks all the designers who will take part in this challenge.


Thanks to Lamborghini Road Monument, designers from all over the world will have the opportunity to take the challenge and work with one of the most re- nowned and exclusive brands of the international sce- nario. Designing a landmark architecture dedicated to Automobili Lamborghini does not simply mean offering a new identity to the area that is subject of the com- petition, it also means materializing a legendary history and interpret concepts as speed, luxury and elegance.

Within the competition designers will have to mate- rialize and show- through an astonishing and roaring design- the genuine DNA of Automobili Lamborghi- ni creating an architecture aimed at becoming in- ternationally renowned and able to vigorously mark the landscape defining the boundaries of the House of the Bull and celebrating its ongoing legend.

Through these architectural landmarks, visitors will have to feel as they are approaching a “sacred” land. The installations will not be simple accesses but con- temporary Pillars of Hercules, a boundary between the known world and the world of the dreams, an ir- reversible sign of the shift from ordinary life to legend.

Hereby follows a list of main constraints to take into account for the design. This list aims both at channel composition and creativity while en- suring a contextualized design good to be tran- slated into workable solutions. The compliance of such elements is implicitly one of the aspects to assess the candidates of the competition:

1. the competition requires the design of 2 artistic- architectural installations to be placed in 2 rounda- bouts;

2. the installations can be considered as 2 separate ele- ments or imagined as 2 elements of the same work;

3. the installations will have to draw their insipiration from the Lamborghini brand and refect its style. How- ever, they will not have to explicitly show the brand or Lamborghini cars;

4. the installations will have to comply with their foun- dation plinth (in footprint, dimension and collocation). The foundation plinth will measure 6×6 meters at the base and 1 meter of depth and will be placed in the middle of the roundabout. The installation cannot be hanging, resting or be connected to any structural element outside the foundation plinth or outside the roundabout. Secondary supports nearby the rounda- bout will be admitted as long as they do not need fur- ther foundations;

  1. the installations cannot use water or include swim- ming pools;
  2. every installation can have a maximum construction cost of 45.000 € (90.000 € is the total for both instal- lations);
  3. the installations will have to be built with durable, easy to mantain materials. Moreover, they will have to be able to guarantee high performance standards over time;
  4. in accordance with a highly high-tech vocation that does not give up a complete environmental compat- ibility, the installations will have to express the envi- ronmental sensitivity of Automobili Lamborghini. Designers will have to prefer the use of environmentally friendly materials and eco-sustainable technologies; i. for every installation the designer will have to take into account the timing and problems linked to its construction. That is why the projects, which comply more with these two aspects, will be favored.


29/08/2016 “standard” registration – start
02/10/2016 (h 11.59 p.m. GMT) “standard” registration – end

03/10/2016 “late” registration – start
31/10/2016 (h 11.59 p.m. GMT) “late” registration – end

02/11/2016 (h. 11.59 p.m. GMT) material submission deadline 07/11/2016 jury summoning
21/11/2016 results announcement

Fulfilling a “standard” or “late” registration does not affect submission deadline. Submis- sion deadline is uniquely set on the 02/11/2016.


12.000 € + CONSTRUCTION + 1 year subscription CASABELLA

4.000 € + 1 year subscription CASABELLA

2.000 € + 1 year subscription CASABELLA

1.000 € + 1 year subscription CASABELLA

1.000 € + 1 year subscription CASABELLA

1 year subscription CASABELLA

1 year subscription CASABELLA

All the awarded proposals will be transmitted to architectural magazines and websites + will be hosted in international exhibitions. All the finalist proposals will be published on www.youngarchitectscompetitions.com


• n. 1 A1 layout (841 x 594mm) in .pdf format, maximum size 10 mb, horizontal or vertical layout, to be uploaded on the personal login area. Such layout must contain:

a. design concept / conceptual idea;
b. graphic framework aimed to illustrate the project (i.e. plans, facades, cross-sections) –choosing what to display and the relative scale is up to competitor’s choice;
c. 3d views – i.e. renderings, pictures, hand sketches;

File name: A1_<TeamID>_LRM.pdf (es. if “TeamID” is 123 , file must be named A1_123_ LRM.pdf )

• n. 1 A3 layout (420mm x 294 mm) pdf format, maximum size 10 mb, of at least 5 pages, horizontal or vertical layout, to be uploaded on the competition website after the login. Such layout must contain:

a. plans, facades, cross-sections on 1.50 scale;
b. at least 3 significative details on 1:10 or 1:20 scale; c. general layout in suitable scale;

File name: A3_<TeamID>_LRM.pdf (es. if “TeamID” is 123 , file must be named A3_123_ LRM.pdf )

• n. 1 cover .jpeg or .png format 1920×1080 pixel size. It should be a relevant image show- ing the project that will become its avatar icon:

File name: Cover_<TeamID>_LRM.jpg (es. if “TeamID” is 123 , file must be named A3_123_LRM.jpg)

Text shall be synthetic and written in English. Layouts cannot contain any name or refe- rence to designers. Layouts cannot have nor group’s “TeamID” on it. Such code is meant to appear on the filename only, since jury will not be capable of seeing it during voting procedure.

Go to the competition’s website