Submission: May 30, 2016
Registration: May 15, 2016
Language: English
Location: Les Menuires, France
Prizes: 1st Prize: €6,000, 2nd Prize: €3,000, 3rd Prize: €1,000
Type: Students & Young Architects
This competition is addressed to the historic center of Les Menuires, which in spite of registering as a real contemporary industrial heritage, should evolve for it to satisfy the expectations of our clients for the next fifty years. This job is essential for us to strengthen our international competitiveness. We are counting on you to create a new image capable of dialoguing with what exists and give a future dimension to this architectural ensemble.
Remember that the proposal should create emotions and produce atmosphere. Participate, com- mit and if you don’t win, remember that in the first competition for the creation of Les Menuires, Charlotte Perriand proposal was not the winner.
The objective of this international competition is to select the best proposals that revitalize and consolidate the commercial and service area in “la Croisette”. For the development of the ideas competition there are no rules or limitations established, to ensure maximum freedom and crea- tivity in projects.
Through this competition, ARCHtopics, together with the city hall of Saint-Martin-de-Belleville, continue to support the development of architecture as a fundamental discipline in building qual- ity public spaces in the city.
The central zone of Les Menuires is occupied by a building of more than 300 meters long called ̈la Croisette ̈. This great building is the main commercial hub of the valley and contains practically all of the uses and services of the station. Built in 1966, la Croisette has many deficiencies in its original state; therefore it needs an architectural intervention.
As part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the French town of Les Menuires, ARCHtopics together with the city hall of Saint-Martin-de-Belleville, proposes an international competition of ideas to rediscover the old splendor of Les Menuires. This ideas competition would be the first large scale architectural intervention for a ski resort. At the same time the competition, takes part of the global objective set by the UN in 2030 to combat global warming by creating sustainable communities and cities applying the parameters of energy efficiency and low emissions.
The objective of this exercise is to rethink and intervene La Croisette of Les Menuires and its ca- pacity to shelter multiple activities and generate public spaces. Beginning with redistributing the existing areas and/or complementing it with new areas; the action should generate collective use quality areas that satisfy the visitors and local needs y and still be internationally competitive.
The project is committed to creating a new central space in Les Menuires that provides adequate conditions to the interior spaces and successfully relates to the territory.
The competition groups different programs related to the interior area of la Croisette and the ex- terior area it generates. ARCHtopics has elaborated the program based on the requirements and desires of the city hall of Saint-Martin-de-Belleville for the future. The ideas competition contem- plates the intervention and redistribution of the public sector (housings and commercial area) to benefit the collective use space. Therefore, new distributions must preserve all existing surfaces.
The organization of the competition proposes two ways for the intervention.
A: Rehabilitation of la Croisette
B: New development (Complimentary to the existent)
The rehabilitation of la Croisette implicates the efficient reorganization of interior and exterior spaces to improve the public areas and the living conditions according to the XXI century.
The new development option aims to be a natural complement to the actual Croisette. This option contemplates a change in its use and the new facilities would be added to the existing set, improv- ing its urban condition. This option does not implicate turning down the preexisting.
The new project is called to set a new architectural space where synergies between local people and visitors from occurring. The project should successfully resolve the creation of a new com- mercial hub that rediscovers the splendor of Les Menuires in the XXI century.
ARCHtopics competitions are open to architecture students and architects, as well as professionals in similar fields that have not exceeded their 40 years of age at the time of the registration period. Teams can be formed from one to six members, students and/or professionals, from all over the world. The teams may be multidisciplinary (architects, engineers, designers, etc).
1/. 6.000€
2/. 3.000€
3/. 1.000€
-Free registration to LMR workshop at ETSAB*
-One week stay in Les Menuires**
-1 year subscription to ARCHcase potfolio premium.
10 Honorable mentions
-1 year subscription to ARCHcase potfolio premium.
Registration periods will be between February 15th, 2016 and May 15th, 2016 and will be divided as follows:
Special Feb. 15th – April 15th 24,20€*
Regular April 16th – May 15th 36,30€*
*Registration prices include taxes.
For a project to be accepted the team must be properly registered to the competition. All registra- tions will be done through the ARCHtopics website, where you will be asked to choose between several payment options. After completing the registration form, each team will be assigned a registration code. It’s important to keep this registration code in a safe place since it will allow your team to access the intranet were you’ll have access to your registration status, payment tools, and the upload form to submit your project as we will explain in further sections of this document.
All the necessary documentation to develop the project, such as pictures of the site, videos, Auto- Cad drawings, etc. will be available at the ARCHtopics website so that anyone can download them before or after joining the competition. They may access and download the materials as many times as they need to. No additional information or working material will be provided to teams af- ter registering. Participants are free to use all this material in the context of this competition. They are also allowed to create their own graphic documents or to find new ones from other sources.
Each team will submit only one din-A1 size (59,4, 84,1cm), landscape or portrait panel with
their proposal. This panel must be identified with the registration code of the team and the reg- istration code ONLY; any panel including team names or personal names might be disqualified without refund. Each team is responsible for choosing which information they include in their panel so that the jury may gain the clearest understanding of their project. The representation technique is completely free (2D drawings, pictures of models, sketches, renders, collages, etc.). The jury will not only evaluate the quality of the project but also the clarity and quality of the pres- entation. We do not recommend including large amounts of text on the panel. The project should be explanatory enough through the graphic material. However, certain notes might be acceptable. These notes must be written ONLY in English, any text written in a different language will not be taken into account and may lead to a team’s disqualification.
Submissions must be done through the ARCHtopic’s intranet only, before the date indicated on the competition calendar. You must log in with your username and password and follow the up- load process. No submissions will be accepted by e-mail or any other medium. The submission page will be automatically closed after the submission date and time are reached, not allowing any modifications or aggregations after that, so please, try to upload your project 24 hours in advance so that you have time to solve any issues that might come up along the way (they always do!). The panel must be no other size than Din-A1 and be in no other format than JPG. The maximum weight of the file is 12MB.