Submission: August 10, 2021
Registration: August 10, 2021
Language: English
Location: Concept
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Free, Open
This international competition architecture ideas invites all architecture students, young architects, young professionals, visual designers and all artists to develop and submit compelling ideas for the city of future. Express your ideas and opinions about new ways of living the city in the post- COVID world.
Of the many issues that could be addressed, five are privileged:
01 How will life evolve inside our homes? The inability to leave the house forced us to work at home, changing the arrangement of the furnishings and changing the way we live in our homes. How will domestic spaces evolve?
02 How is the school projected outside the classroom? The direct relationship between the students failed, and the potential deriving from new technologies emerged, which responded very well to the needs of the period. What will school be like after the pandemic?
03 What will urban spaces and the relationship between city and nature be like? Covid has changed the social way of life. A simple greeting with a handshake has become risky for our health. But one positive thing emerged: the approach to nature. In fact, it has made its way through the rigidity of the urban construction and has allowed itself to be observed in a welcome manner by the inhabitants of the cities.
04 What will our mobility be like? Many have discovered runners and cyclists and have let themselves be invaded by this new passion. Others for safety reasons have avoided taking public transport to get around. Surely this pandemic has allowed us to deal with other means of transport other than those we used to.
05 How will the activity of the service structures be organized? Bars, restaurants and commercial structures, which have suffered the consequences of clo–sures, limitations and various problems related to Covid, how will they be able to redesign their work?
Method of Participation
Participation is free. You must send a report in PDF format, in A3, to the e-mail address The elaboration must be inserted in the layout downloadable from the website.
Evaluation criteria
The papers will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
– Feasibility (from 1 to 10 points)
– Creativity and originality (from 1 to 10 points)
– Repeatability (1 to 10 points)
– Impact on the environment (from 1 to 10 points)
– Impact on the community (from 1 to 10 points)
– Graphic quality and effectiveness of communication (from 1 to 10 points)
1′ 250,00 €
2′ 100,00 €
3′ 50,00 €
4′ 50,00 €
5′ 50,00 €
10 Honorable mentions