

Submission: October 31, 2014
Registration: October 15, 2014
Language: English
Location: Lisboa, Portugal
Prizes1st Prize $ 2.500, 2nd Prize $ 2.500, 3rd Prize $ 2.500
Type: Competition for young architects and architecture students.

The competition program is a polyvalent pavilion
which allows multiple uses. We propose a structure
capable of hosting diverse activities, and with
intervention, rearranging the surrounding heritage
buildings. The events and activities will be the
engine that activates the surrounding public space
and the people, the ones who activate it.
In order to carry out this function we suggest a
unique, flexible space of approximately 600m2
that is capable of hosting the various necessities
of the programme, from the visitor’s reception to
one-time events such as receptions, exhibitions
and presentations. Taking into account the limited
dimensions of the pavilion and the flexibility of
the proposed activities, it is up to contestants to
generate the most suitable program for its
proper functioning.

The competition departs from the socioeconomic
context of southern Europe, more precisely from
the delicate situation in Portugal. The country is
rich in culture, architecture and history but the cuts
policies have reduced the call to carry out public
construction. It is even understood that despite
unfavourable context, it has not been permitted to
produce good architecture for the people, as the
great school of Portuguese architects has
always done.
We propose a unique piece of architecture, which
is described as a large container of activities. Public
investment is reduced to public equipment and the
expense is optimised by hosting as many events and
creating as many uses for the building as possible.
It is a hall open to the citizens, activating the
surrounding public space and articulating good
architecture with limited resources.


Students –

1st – 2.500€ , 2nd – 1.000€ , 3rd – 500€
• Considered for publication in the magazines
Future and WA
• 1 year subscription to Detail magazine
• Displayed in ETSAB university in Barcelona
• Reviews in HIC and Taller al Cubo
architecture blogs.
10 Mentions
• Considered for publication in Future and
• Displayed in ETSAB university in Barcelona
• Reviews in HIC and Taller al cubo
architecture blogs

Young Architects –

• 2.000€
• Considered for publication in the magazines
Future and WA
• 1 year subscription to Detail magazine
• Displayed in ETSAB university in Barcelona
• Reviews in HIC and Taller al Cubo
architecture blogs.
3 mentions
• Considered for publication in Future and
• Displayed in ETSAB university in Barcelona
• Reviews in HIC and Taller al cubo
architecture blogs.

Date: August 8, 2014