Submission: May 22, 2020
Registration: May 22, 2020
Language: English
Location: Concept
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open
The Lyceum Fellowship was established in 1985 by Jon McKee, AIA (1927-2013). Through its annual design competi-tion, the Lyceum seeks to advance the profession of architecture by engaging students in design and travel. The American Institute of Architects has recognized the Lyceum nationally for the effective pursuit of this mission with the prestigious AIA Collaborative Achievement Award.
For more than 30 years, the Lyceum has engaged highly noted architects from all areas of the field to develop programs for the annual competition. The Lyceum has awarded over half a million dollars in travel prizes to date, enriching the education of highly talented students through travel to over 100 different countries.
To be eligible for a travel prize, students must be enrolled in one of the programs listed below at the time the jury meets. Students who graduate in May 2020 are still eligible to submit.
1) The student must be enrolled in one of the following professional programs:
• NAAB Accredited B.Arch program
• NAAB Accredited M.Arch program
• NAAB Accredited D.Arch program OR 2) Alternate Eligibility: undergraduate students enrolled in pre-professional degree program (commonly referred to as a 4+2 or 4+3 path) at an institution that also offers an NAAB accredited professional program:
• Bachelor of Arts in Architecture (BA) + another NAAB accredited program at same school
• Bachelor of Science in Architecture (BS) + another NAAB accredited program at same school
• Bachelor of Fine Arts in Architecture (BFA Arch) + another NAAB accredited program at same school
• Bachelor of Environmental Design (B.Envd or B.E.D.) + another NAAB accredited program at same school B. The entry must represent the individual work of the student, completed either independently or within a studio.C. The student must work with a Faculty Advisor and notify them when their entry is submitted.Students winning a travel prize must:
• Submit for Board approval an itinerary prior to travel and a travel report at the conclusion of travel.
• Commence travel within 15 months of the award announcement.
• Not use travel funds on tuition or other program fees, consumer goods, or companion travel costs
First Prize$12,000 for 3 months travel abroadSecond Prize$8,000 for 2 months travel abroadThird Prize$4,500 for 1 month travel abroadCitation In the event a travel prize winner cannot travel, the Citation moves into the third prize placement.Merit Certificate of Recognition
Student’s entry must be received by the Lyceum no later than Friday, May 22, 2020.The student is required to submit two versions of their entry – digital and physical booklet.
Failure to follow the instructions may prevent the jury from reviewing your project. By completing the online information, you are certifying that you are eligible to enter the competition.
• Digital Submission Requirements:
1. Go to
2. Complete the information requested: – Contact information -Travel information- Shipment Notification
3. Upload to website:- Format: PDF – Size: maximum 20MB
4. Entry fee: $155. The student’s submission will be assigned a submission ID i.e. LF-XXXX. Place sumbission ID on digital and physical booklet.
6. Faculty certification – You must include your Faculty Advisor’s contact information. They will be notified when you complete the submission requirements.
• Physical Booklet Submission Requirements:
1. Format: 11”x17” bound booklet. The overall submission shall not exceed eight single-sided (11×17) sheets, plus a cover OR four double-sided (11×17) sheets, plus a cover.
2. A written project statement shall be integrated into the booklet content; not a separate or additional page. The statement shall not exceed 250 words.
3. Physical booklet entries should NOT contain any identifying information (name, school, etc).
4. Entries are blind judged by the jury.5. SHIP to Lyceum Fellowship c/o Hutker Architects, 533 Palmer Ave, Falmouth, MA 02540 – must be received no later than Friday, May 22, 2020