Submission: September 14, 2018
Registration: September 14, 2018
Language: English
Location: Winnipeg, USA
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open
CentreVenture Development Corporation is pleased to announce an open, international design competition for the redevelopment of 0.8 Acres (0.32Ha) of land in downtown Winnipeg. The vision for the project is to create a new urban destination with a pedestrian oriented internal plaza, zero setback buildings, public, open, and permeable spaces at the ground level, transparent residential connections with balconies or terraces and a granular, intense, informal, urban market – one that enables local vendors to create their own environment, texture and character in a daylight–filled winter-city structure.
The competition is for a design that includes a new 100 unit affordable housing complex, a 700 sm (7500sf) market building and a1500 sm (16,150sf) plaza. This will be a two-phase competition with Phase 1 an RFQ to select a shortlist of up to five (5) design teams for Phase 2 to prepare a conceptual design. One member of each team is required to be formally registered as a member in good standing in one of the Provincial Architectural Associations in Canada.
The winning submission will receive CAD$100,000 Competition prize with additional funds available to the completion of the schematic design stage. The winner will have the opportunity to enter into a formal contract with the proponent for the full architectural design. The other four finalists will receive an honorarium of CAD$10,000 each.
The competition will be evaluated by a panel of seven interdisciplinary judges including Bruce Kuwabara (KPMB Architects); Eladia Smoke (Smoke Architecture); Angela Mathieson (CentreVenture); John Kiernan (City of Winnipeg); Alan Tate (University of Manitoba); Zephyra Vun (Winnipeg Design Quarter); Annitta Stenning (CancerCare Manitoba Foundation). Emphasis will be on architectural design excellence and a creative, pragmatic and vibrant urban design solution centred on a quantifiable Energy Use Intensity target.
Phase 1 RFQ opens August 1/18 and closes September 14/18. Visit for further information and to register your team.