Submission: June 04, 2018
Registration: June 04, 2018
Language: English
Location: Concept
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open Ideas
Welcome to Eleven’s 10th competition. For this challenge, we are starting a living revolution. ‘Macro to Micro’ is a two-part competition looking at revolutionising the way we live from the city to the human scale. In this competition, we will focus on the MICRO element and ask you to engage with the idea of new neighbourhoods and greenfield developments on a city scale.
Today, in the United Kingdom, we are experiencing a housing crisis brought on by the increasing demand for houses which exceeds the supply. As a result, more greenfield sites are being developed for residential neighbourhoods on the outskirts of major cities and in new towns.
But the housing crisis extends beyond the deficiency in numbers. Today we are seeing more and more developments being built with the idea of maximising profits and numbers rather than quality of design and lifestyle. This paves the way for a dulled-down housing model which is mediocre at best and often lacks any imagination, innovation, personality and style due to cost cutting exercises and the standardisation of development.
Many new developments become dormitories designed through outdated standardisations which display little to no architecture or design ambition. We create housing in the form of little brick boxes for our lives and find ourselves being packed tighter and tighter together like the very same bricks that surround us.
More so, our lives and technology have changed drastically from decades ago. The same can be said about our housing needs and our perception of what a ‘house’ is. Yet, for the main part, our new housing stock has not moved on with the times.
The solution comes in architecture driven housing, but architecture can come at a very high price and is therefore traditionally reserved for the richest sectors of our society.
With new advances in materials, technology and society, how can we bring the same quality of architectural space in housing for the general public so that we can begin to breathe life back into our new homes? And how do we do this in line with the latest ecological practices for a more sustainable future?
The solution could be found in the mainstream industrialisation of construction processes rather than the standardisation of outdated housing models.
If we spend less money in the actual building process on site, we can invest more in the quality of design of both the house itself and its surrounding landscapes. Modularisation in housing can also mean that you as the buyer can have a say in how your home is developed and perhaps, your home can be upgraded and change with your changing needs as you go on in life. Why can’t the standard of constructing homes change?
Why don’t we shift to building more homes in factories rather than onsite? Why don’t we invest more time and thought in cracking the industrialisation of house production – like we did with cars and products over a century ago – for the benefit of the developer, the environment AND the end user alike?
We believe the answer to this will pave the way to a radically new system of both imagining and developing the future of our homes and lives.
For this competition, your goal is to deliver a new concept of house. Your focus will be to develop a quality-led sustainable dwelling. The outcome should strive to define a new paradigm of what a house of the future could be. Challenge the status quo, push boundaries, define new frontiers and – why not – have fun. Remember that this competition is about shifting vision so don’t be afraid to dream big.
This competition is run in partnership with BETA Housing 2018, an event that brings together some of the most influential voices to provide an insightful and engaging discussion on the future of residential developments and housing. The event, held in Manchester (UK) on the 12th July 2018, will host a dedicated exhibition of the awarded and best entries from this competition, as well as provide a platform to formally announce the competition winners.
27 February: Registration Opens. Early Bird discounted fee applies.
12 March: Early Bird discounted fee ends. Standard Registration fee applies.
21 May: Standard Registration fee ends. Late fee applies.
4 June @ 11AM (UK Time): Competition closes. All entries are due for submission!
6 June: Public voting opens online for People’s Choice Award.
2 July: Jury winners and awarded notified. Public voting still open.
12 July: Public voting closes. Official awards presentation and competition exhibition hosted by BETA Housing 2018 (Manchester, UK). Party time!
Early Bird: £40 per team
Standard: £60 per team
Late Bloomer: £80 per team
DISCOUNT: Teams wishing to join both our Macro and Micro competitions will recieve a 25% discount on registration if they purchase both competitions at the same timee. Refer to Q10 on the F.A.Q section.