Submission: September 02, 2016
Registration: September 02, 2016
Language: English, French
Location: Paris, France
Prizes: £5000
Type: Open
Abbesses and Chateau Rouge are demonstrative of the great socio-economic divide currently installed in Paris. Only a few hundred metres apart, the difference between plush ‘bobo’ Abbesses and relatively deprived Chateau Rouge could not be more distinct. They both share a common urban element, the market. This competition proposes the design of a small intervention in either or both sites to further support these social infrastructures. But through a collective architectural response, could these two sites be brought closer together?
A full brief will be emailed to the address provided upon registration.
The submission format is 1 x A1 (841x594mm) either landscape or portrait. The submissions should be sent via email to The submission should be less than 20mb. A confirmation email will be sent upon valid receipt. An entry fee of £50.00 will be charged.
Entrants retain copyright to their submissions, but agree to competition organisers using their submission for the purposes of conducting the competition including without limitation judging, production of information for an exhibition, and in local and national press.
The winner and runners up may be invited to present their scheme.
The winning scheme will be awarded £5000 and will be invited to present their design to the local authority.