Submission: September 15, 2020
Registration: September 15, 2020
Language: English
Location: Concept
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open
Nature Contest is the most comprehensive annual contest of ideas inspired by nature. Individual participants from all disciplines and regions of the world are invited to participate. Participants can enter one of the following three categories. 1. The design concept for nature gadget, 2. The written idea on nature policy or 3. Portfolio of previous work inspired by nature. Each category is described in detail below.
Design Concept of Nature Gadget
Artists, Architects, engineers, sculptors, technologists, inventors, concept artists, product designers and all those people who observe nature uniquely in their own way- and who can visualize their imagination through sketches, models, drawings, 3D renders or in any other visual media, are invited to participate in this category. Design concepts should be thought-provoking, bold and inspired directly or indirectly from different processes of nature. Please, check out the illustrations of Leonardo da Vinci and visit for early inspiration. It is entirely up to the participants, how they visualize and share their ideas. The only restriction is Two (02) A3 size sheets in landscape orientation. Please check submission page for guidelines.
Written Idea for Nature Policy
Researchers, writers, planners, policy-makers, environmentalists, activists, storytellers, poets, dreamers and all those people who have evolved their unique ideas to a point where they can write them down, are invited to participate in this category. Powerful ideas must be in some way related to nature. Ideas may be articulated in the form of an essay, fictional story, a poem or any other writing genre. The only restriction is English language and 1500 words limit. For early inspiration, please visit different resources mentioned on Visit submission page for guidelines.
Nature Tutor Portfolio
Send in your CV and portfolio if you have worked on projects inspired from nature. For example, art exhibitions, design works, research articles, publications etc. All profiles will be uploaded on and shared all across our media partners. For inspiration, visit and see the submission page for guidelines.