Submission: October 17, 2021
Registration: October 17, 2021
Language: English
Location: Australia / the Arabian Peninsula / North Africa
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open
This international Design Challenge invites students and young practitioners to work in women inclusive and interdisciplinary design teams to contribute ingenious and creative design ideas to a new interpretation of traditional oasis systems set in locations across Australia, the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa.
NE[O]ASIS is an urban/architecture/landscape Design Idea Challenge for future desert oases to combat desertification through sustainable urban and architectural development. The aim is to contribute to urban and architectural solutions for self-resilience of climatically challenged regions in deserts and drylands.
The organisers thank all designers who will take on this challenge and contribute to Ingenious Initiatives for Sustainable Urban Development.
- 1st prize: 3.000 AU$
- 2nd prize: 2.000 AU$
- 3rd prize: 1.000 AU$
- Top 10 Finalists: Exhibition at the Australia Pavilion of the Dubai Expo 2020 and mentoring sessions during Sustainable Urban Development Week.
- All entries will be digitally showcased at the Australia Pavillon of the Dubai Expo 2020.
- All awarded proposals will be published through international platforms, including architectural magazines and websites, and exhibited at the international Dubai Expo 2020.
- There is no restriction concerning design disciplines of the team members for participation in the Challenge but at least one team member should be from architecture. A diversity of disciplines is recommended.
- Both individual and team participation is allowed, with a minimum of 50 % female members.
- Maximum number of participants in a team is five, composed of students or young practitioners (18–33 years).
- The Challenge is open for entries worldwide.