Submission: May 19, 2023
Registration: May 19, 2023
Language: English/Russian
Location: Russia
Prizes: Please see the details below
Type: Open
An open call for master planning Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russia, was announced at the press conference that took place at the Chechen State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company later last week.
In his keynote address, the Mayor of Grozny Khas-Magomed Kadyrov underscored the relevance of introducing Chechen Republic to international investors as a bona fide partner in long-term busi-ness alliances. «Grozny is currently pursuing over 120 investment projects”, – said Khas-Magomed Kadyrov. “Further progress will depend on how swiftly Chechen Republic will be able to engage with the international business community. We will contribute to the process by transforming Grozny into a financial, trading and industrial hub, by forging partnerships with the Middle Eastern coun-tries, and by adopting and amplifying the best practices in good governance, education, recreation and agriculture sectors”.
DOM.RF, a Russian federal agency for mortgage services and urban development, delivers funding in support of the formidable goal. Speaking via videoconference call, Anton Finogenov, director for urban development at DOM.RF, highlighted the key role the regional programs for improving hous-ing quality play in meeting the National Housing and Urban Environment Project performance tar-gets. Mr. Finogenov praised Grozny for reaching the target indicators successfully. «A master-plan is a comprehensive strategic document correlating urban design with economic development of the territory, guiding future growth and development», – said Anton Finogenov. – «We see a huge poten-tial in Grozny as a learning hub, a liaison between Russia and the Islamic world, and the core of re-gional business and trade».
The competition terms and conditions, as well as the timeline were covered in detail by Sergei Georgievski, a cofounder of the Agency for strategic development «CENTER», a Competition Op-erator. «We have been working on projects of varying scale in 95 cities in over 60 Russian regions», – said Sergei Georgievski. – “Each and every one of them used to have a unique mixture of charms and challenges, obviously. However, it is for the first time in five years that we organize an interna-tional competition for urban master planning. It is in fact an open call for cross-sectoral pools of expertise, specializing in UPT. As of today, detailed requirements and other related information is available online in Russian and English languages».
The video footage of the press conference is available in Russian, Chechen and English languages on YouTube channels. The simultaneous translation into Chechen language was performed at a pub-lic event for the first time, to honor Year-2023 of the Chechen language.
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