Submission: March 16, 2016
Registration: March 16, 2016
Language: English, Chech
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Prizes: 1st Prize: 550 000 CZK, 2nd Prize: 350 000 CZK, 3rd Prize: 250 000 CZK
Type: Restricted
The district of Prague 7 has declared an international architectural competition for a design for its new town hall. For this purpose, we intend to reconstruct the extant building at the address U Průhonu 38, where – with the aid of the architects – we hope to offer our citizens the best possible built environment for addressing everyday administrative matters.
The competition for the new Prague 7 town hall provides one innovation for the participating architects – a more rapid and less demanding first round. The preparation time will be only one month, and at the end only one panel of A2 format and one portfolio of A4 format are to be submitted. From this first round, an international jury will select 8 designs to enter into the second round. The assumed date of declaration is 17. 02. 2016.
“For the district of Prague 7, this is a historic step. Our district will finally acquire a town hall worthy of the 21st century. We want to give our citizens an open, effective, and smoothly functioning public building, and our employees a dignified setting for their daily work. Public buildings need to be the result of open competitions, and at the same time this will meet our obligation from the referendum of 2013,” said district mayor Jan Čižinský.
“In the winning design, we expect a building with a modern appearance, operational effectiveness and sensitivity in the preparation of details of interior organisation, one that would meet the demands for quality in a functional office both for the public and for the employees. We are aware of the demands of the task, since we have to operate within the limits of the possibilities set by the reconstruction, size and shape of an extant building, and of course a limited budget,” added councillor Pavel Zelenka.
The competition for the new Prague 7 Town Hall will include one innovation for the participating architects – a more rapid and less demanding first round. For the organisers, the situation is described by Igor Kovačević: “I greatly admire the decision of the representatives of Prague 7 to organise an architectural competition for reconstruction of a public building, which in the Czech setting is an almost unique event. I am firmly convinced that the competition will attract entrants: in the first round, there should be a presentation of the concept of the building in minimalist format – a poster of A2 size and a portfolio of the design. From this conceptual phase, the international jury will select 8 authors to develop the design into greater detail in the second round of the competition. This reduction in the amount of submitted material is in reaction to the requests of architects to avoid having to invest excessive energy into the uncertain outcome of a competition.”
The competition may be entered by any individuals or entities, separately or in association, that without exception fulfil the following additional conditions: a) they are citizens of the czech republic or any other member state of the european economic area or Switzerland and reside in the czech republic or any other member state of the european economic area or Switzerland
b) they did not participate in the definition of the subject of the competition and its preparation
c) they are not regular members or alternates of the jury, jury secretary, inspector of competi- tion designs or invited experts for the jury of this competition.
d) they are not the spouses or relatives, perma- nent design partners, immediate superiors or co-workers of persons who participated in the preparation of the subject of the competition and the preparation of the competition, or reg- ular members or alternates of the jury, jury sec- retary, evaluator of competition designs or in- vited experts for the jury of this competition, if they are the ones listed in the competition con- ditions; this requirement extends as well to the members of public representative and adminis- trative bodies.
3.4 language of the Design Competition and the legal Code the design competition will be held bilingually – in czech and in english. all parts of the competition design must be prepared in either czech or english. the competition conditions and all appendices and documentation have been prepared in both czech and english, with both versions considered valid. in the event of a dispute, priority from the legal stand- point is held by the interpretation of the czech text. the design competition will be held in accordance with the czech legal code.
e) they meet the basic qualification criteria pursu- ant to article 53 of the public procurement act, no. 137/2006 coll. (no liquidation, bankrupt- cy, unpaid taxes, active convictions for criminal acts or disciplinary measures)
f) they are authorised architects in the field of ar- chitecture, or authorised architects with au- thorisation for general activities or authorised engineers in the field of building construction, according to act no. 360/1992 coll., on the pro- fessional practice of authorised architects and the professional practice of authorised engi- neers and technicians active in construction, as later amended, or else authorised architects according to the laws of the respective member state of the european economic area of which they are citizens or in which they have their headquarters.
19th of February 2016 Announcement of the competition
10th of March 2016 by midnight CET Deadline for submission of the questions (Round I)
25th of April 2016 by midnight CET Deadline for submission of the questions (Round II)
16th of March 2016 by 6:00 pm CET Deadline for submission of competition designs (Round I) at the mailroom of the Municipal office of the Prague 7
2nd of May 2016 by 6:00 pm CET Deadline for submission of competition designs (Round II) at the mailroom of the Municipal office of the Prague 7
16th of May 2016 The preliminarily date of the result announcement
Prizes will be awarded to the three best designs. These prizes are set at 550 000 CZK for first place, 350 000 CZK for second place, and 250 000 CZK for third place. Work reimbursements for the 5 remaining designs that do not win any prizes will be 350 000 CZK in total.