Submission: September 07 , 2016
Registration: July 15, 2016
Language: English
Location: Baku, Azerbaijan
Prizes: 1st Place $2000, 2nd Prize $1500, 3rd Prize $750
Type: Open
In the current context of economic, urban and environmental challenges the Festival aims at the comprehensive development of innovative ideas of the organisation and the development of the coastal space, including solution of individual tasks, in particular:
– modern environmental, urban and architecture and design development of coastal and island areas;
– creation of ecologically safe recreational area;
– raise awareness of the development prospects of coastal and island areas among the government, municipal and community organisations.
– comprehensive development of water tourism and creation of its infrastructure;
– promotion of active lifestyle;
– promoting the introduction of new innovative technologies in the development of the coastal areas;
– attracting attention of investors, designers, constructors, producers of materials, products and technologies to new ideas of the coastal space development.
In light of this challenges the problems of leisure and habitation in immediate vicinity of the coastlines are the most acute and topical, as the coastal areas are the primary and irreplaceable value for the city, its residents, tourists and business.
The competition is organised in order to use the equal creative competition to receive proposals for the improvement and development of the waterfront of the Seaside boulevard along the coastline of the Baku bay.
The competition is open. Certified architects (creative teams of architects) complying with the programme and the terms of the competition and registered as participants of the competition shall be allowed to participate. The participants shall be eligible to attend all events organised during the “Eco-Shore” Festival.
The objective of the competition is to receive architecture and urban planning ideas that meet the requirements of the competition programme.
The competition is held with International Participation.
The main object of the competition participants is to suggest an original conceptual solution demonstrating a contemporary and innovative approach to the complex development of the coastal territories with elements of public and tourist infrastructure.
The participants shall propose functional zoning and the principles of area improvement for active public use and recreation. An indicative nomenclature of buildings to be accommodated in the designed area should be developed, an easy access for maintenance of technical services as well as an adequate number of parking places both for cars and tourist buses should be provided.
The competition shall be held under the single terms and conditions that are developed by the competition organizers. The terms and conditions are mandatory for all participants of the competition.
The design shall fully disclose the author’s intent and convey the main idea.
The competition designs should be fulfilled in computer-graphics ( bitmap file JPG or TIFF, 200 dpi, the file size of no more than 25 Mb, with no compression) and sent by e-mail fully configured and prepared for display on 80 (height) x 100 (width) boards, not more than three pieces of horizontal position, with a layout diagram for boards enclosed thereto.
The boards should contain planning solutions, scheme of functional zoning, elements of coastal area improvement and landscape design, an explanatory note, and other project proposals.
For the purposes of anonymity the projects should be submitted under the mottos (six-figured code), height 10 mm, placed in the right upper corner of all materials submitted for the competition.
The entries must be accompanied by a motto envelope containing information about the author or a group of authors (names of authors, tel. number, address, passport data and percentage distribution of the prize between the authors’ team members).
The Organizers shall have a right to exclude from consideration the following entries:
– Non-conforming with the Programme requirements and competition terms;
– Those with deliberately broken anonymity.
The terms of competition provide for the following awards:
One First Prize – USD 2000
One Second Prize – USD 1500
Two Third Prizes – USD 750
The authors of awarded projects may be invited to participation in design and implementation of the Seaside boulevard development and the waterfront area improvement.
The Jury and Organizers of the competition have the right to award special prizes for individual achievements and appropriate solutions.
The competition promoters have a right to provide their own prizes and awards.
The projects that received the awards and special prizes will be published in the mass media of information partners.
The Composition of the Jury
Award entries will be evaluated by a Jury comprising leading Azerbaijan, Russian and international architects. The full composition of the Jury will be make public during the opening. The Chairman of the Jury shall be elected at the first session by a simple majority.
Jury members shall not be eligible to participate in the competition. Decisions of the jury shall be recorded in minutes signed by all the members of the jury, participated in the meeting.
In the event of a tied vote the Chairman of the i jury will have the casting vote.
Registration of participants shall be made till July 15, 2016 by completing the registration form at the link
The organizers undertake to make (display) exhibition materials (boards, banners) of the entries.
Files with works must be sent to the file sharing hosting (eg or any other). The link received shall be sent to the following e-mail address: with all contact data and motto number of the project.
Publication of the programme and the terms of the competition: 13 May 2016
Deadline for Registration of participants: 15 July 2016
Deadline for questions from participants: 25 July 2016
Deadline for replies to questions: 30 July 2016
Deadline for the reception of entries: September 7, 2016
Opening of the exhibition of competitive projects: September 22, 2016
Jury session: September 23, 2016
Summarizing and the announcement of results of the competition: September 24, 2016.
1. The design shall take into consideration the existing urban context, including transport network.
2. The design shall include:
Master Plan
Master plan shall be submitted in scale 1:2500
Layout plan for buildings and structures at the site of the recreation area.
Perspective views of the site, its fragments and photomontage
The participants must present at least 5 characteristic pictures from at least five observation points.
Possible functions:
-public spaces;
-sports facilities;
-recreations and leisure;
-café and restaurants;
-hotels and boarding houses;
-infrastructure for public and personal vehicle;
-parks and landscaping, including winter gardens.
3. The contents of the project
The required composition of the design
– overall appearance (fragment, axonometric projection or perspective);
– master plan;
– explanatory note describing main ideas of the project (no more than 3000 characters);
– basic engineering-and-economical data (cost-performance characteristics):
– Functional circuitries