Submission: May 11, 2020
Registration: May 11, 2020
Language: English / Czech
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open
In a difficult time, Penta Real Estate is inviting local and foreign architects and architectural studios to participate in an open, international architectural and urban design competition. The aim of the competition is to find the best solution to complet the residential block in the western part of Prague’s Vysočany. The scope of the project should be at least 280 residential units together with the amenities of commercial or non-commercial purpose (respectively 24,200 square meters of gross floor area).
It is two round competition. The first round is open, it is qualifying. In order to participate in it, please first register and then hand over the portfolio – max. 9 pages. Applicants will indicate their previous experience, references and the overall concept of the proposal.
The 7-member jury will select the 5 best proposals for the second round, whose authors will be asked to complete their proposals in greater detail. Each competitor invited to the 2nd round will receive a fee of EUR 6,000.
The jury consists of 4 representatives of the professional public independent from the organizer and 3 representatives of the organizer of the competition. Among independent judges are Ir. Pascal Cornips (Benthem Crouwel Architects); Prof. Ing. arch. Peter Vodrážka, PhD. (STU in Bratislava).