The Universe created the Gods. It is what little known of what human consciousness conceived of the unknown. The emergence of the deities in historical explanation, invasions, conquests, legends and myths gave consistency to man’s own power over himself. The highest Greek mountain has become the temple of the Gods, as the inner force that moves us: our house. Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Athena, Ares, Demeter, Apollo, Artemis, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, Dionysus.
Olympus assembled in council.
Different views, different perspectives of the same face divided by walls that isolates them by thoughts. And that’s where we live, where the differences look for common places: a Temple, a common place, and 12 non common places.
One of the most brilliant heritages of humanity. Architecture of fascination in the minds of a people, which turned doubts into certainties. Gods are reinvented in human bodies that mirror the imperfect creation of space.
Force of believing.
Myth, tale, legend.
Asymmetric symmetries of the world …
a Temple for Gods
Objective: design a Temple for the Olympus Gods.
We did not want to stick to a simple religious space, the introduction of the 12 Gods of Olympus, are for themselves the program for your Temple. Each one have your own personality and abilities.
The Temple must be the re ex of it.
– Localization: Mount Olympus
– Number of Gods: 12
– One Great Hall for the Council of the Gods
– 1 room for each God that should be thought for each one in particular
– Others – you may propose other areas that are not considered in the present brief.
The panel must have a descriptive text of the proposal (English), concept, idea, etc. Scale – Scale appropriate to the submitted elements.
“The proposal reinterpret the search for divinity into a quest – a game designed by the Gods themselves to challenge us. And to make sure only the few and the worthy gain access to the mighty Council of the Gods. The graphics are intricate, while self-explanatory, and shows great creativity in interpreting the 12 Gods of Olympus into architectonic space.” Arne Reisegg, arq.
“The sequential scenario defining the series of challenges and the relation between mythology and gaming was considered significant about the proposed design. The architectural language was considered inspiring due to the level differences on Mount Olympus. The proposed path and its continuity within the context is quite impressive.” Ziya Imren, arq.
“Great way of answering the challenge!! A path to divinity construed as a game. Appealing design.” Francisco Freitas, arq.
“Interesting the idea of creating a path throughout the mountain where you´ll be able to achieve divinity. It might be a game! Or not! The track and the spaces, created along the journey are disposed in a way that enriches the discovering of the mountain while crossing temples. You can feel the power of the gods.” José Martinez, arq.
“It’s a theme park! Just like mythology. ” Ygit Acar, arq.