Submission: November 27, 2015
Registration: September 28, 2015
Language: English
Location: Concept
Prizes: 1st Prize:€1000, 2nd Prize:€500, 3rd Prize:€250
Type: Open
Project goal is to design and provide social housing for asylum seekers based on modular construction apartment buildings as the key element of the housing.
- Competitor has to select one of the offered regions to design a social housing. Available countries are:
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Lithuania
- Norway
- Sweden
Social housing should meet local technical construction requirements and other construction and living conditions related requirements (for example: minimal space for person to live based, on your chosen country rules)
- Social housing should be constructed as apartment building complex consisting of no more than 6 flats in each building
- Social housing has to provide a living space for around of 200 asylum seekers, ~10% of asylum seekers consist of families of 2 (20 people), ~60% consist of families of 4 (120 people) and ~30% consist of families of 5 persons (60 people).
- Project has to be oriented at the lower cost solutions, yet have original architectural solutions (if possible) and overall social housing look should be attractive.
- It is necessary to design 3 different flat sizes and layouts that are fully furnished (for family of 2; 4 and 5 persons)
- Social housing should be a two-story building
- It is necessary to offer 3 different options for social housing façade (colors, materials, shapes, etc.)
- Staircase should be mounted outside of social housing (staircase inside of the flat/apartment are not allowed)
- Every flat in social housing should have an individual sanitary facilities (toilet and shower)
- Social housing should be oriented towards using cheaper and as small amount of different materials for interior design as possible, but still retain attractive look.
- The choice for materials is unrestricted, but materials has to resist to possible deformation caused by transportation
- Social housing inner walls must have at least EI30 fire resistance category (for example double layer of plasterboard walls)
- The building has to be operated throughout the year.
- Dimensionsofonemodularunitfortransportationmightvaryfrom9000mmto3000mm(L)x2990mm(W)x3100mm(H)
- Each module has to be transportable
From all contestants, organizer will pick three best works based on: originality of the architectural solution, the architectural appearance, functionality and the ability to adjust proposed modules to production. All these criteria are equivalent.
- The three winning projects will be awarded the main prize:Ist place – 1 000 EURIInd place – 500 EURIIIrd place – 250 EUR
- Participants can enter a competition as one person or as a group of maximum of 5 people.
- Until the end of 2015 November 27th (23:59 EET/UTC+2h) provide PDF drawings and design visualization, consisting ofthe maximum number 12 pages A1 format sheets (all four sides of social housing with different façade options, 3 different flat layouts and general social housing floor plan layout has to be visible). Cross-sections or other parts of the building are not required.
- Works are presented in digital format via sending CD or USB flash drive or using online sharing platform such as High-quality works are provided in PDF format ready to be print.
- Final work has to have ID number (on every page top right side) consisting of your project title no longer than 10 digits that are 10mm in height. Separate email from individual or groups leader must be sent to containing your project ID number.
- Author’s names and contacts must not be visible on presented final work PDF
- If needed hardcopies, CD/USB flash drives, in envelopes with the name “modular building design contest” shall be sentto UAB “Ryterna modul” Agronomijos g. 45 LT-47480, Kaunas, Lithuania.
There is no entry fee for the competition
initiated and funds architectural design competition based on modular building construction. Winners‘ work will be presented to potential investors as a possible potential project.