Submission: December 06, 2015
Registration: November 22, 2015
Language: English
Location: Puerto Rico, USA
Prizes: 1st Prize: 3000€, 2nd Prize: 2,000€, 3rd Prize: 500€
Type: Student & Young Architects
ArchMedium proposes the construction of a new cruise terminal that optimizes the connection between the city and cruise ships. An ideas competition that raises a double scale: Understanding the terminal as a gateway to Puerto Rico and understanding the terminal as an equipment for collective use among the community.
Cruise tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in the 21st century. In 1997, 8.5 million passengers traveled in a cruise and it is estimated that in 2014 this will increase to more than 21 million. This industry generates 45 thousand jobs and has an estimated turnover of 37 billion dollars. Cities and merchants receive significant benefits through their exploitation, but it is often unknown the environmental impact and social inequality it generates. 48% of cruises around the world are held in the Caribbean. Puerto Rico is the most important Caribbean destination, receiving 1.3 million visitors a year. The port of Old San Juan is among the 20 largest in the world. Despite being the busiest port in the Caribbean, the current port infrastructure is insufficient and its precariousness makes it unsustainable. The terminal is reduced to 3 bridges over the water for up to 6 cruises simultaneously.
- Students
This category will accept architecture and related fields undergraduate students who can prove their student status on the day the competition launches with some official document (student ID or enrolment papers).
Graduate, masters, and PhD students who are currently enrolled in some official course can also participate, but only if they obtained their undergraduate degree less than 3 years ago.
The 3 year rule applies to graduate, masters and PhD students who are CURRENTLY ENROLLED only!
- Young Architects
This category will accept young professional architects who graduated less than 10 years ago (according to their degree expedition date) can also join the competition and opt to win the “young gradautes” prize which will be awarded separately from the student prizes.
In both categories teams can be formed by just one member or up to six (6). Members of a team don’t necessarily have to be students at the same university or live in the same country.
It is not necessary that all members of a team are architecture specialists. Having a photographer, artist, philosopher, etc. on a team can help to see the project in a new way, thus enriching the final result. However, it is recommended that at least one member of the team has some experience in architecture.
The registration fee is paid per team, regardless of how many members form it.
The registration fee is per team, regardless of how many members are on the team.
If a team wants to submit more than one proposal to the competition they will have to register each proposal separately and pay an additional fee for each proposal they wish to submit.
For a project to be accepted the team must be properly registered to the competition. All registrations will be done through the ARCHmedium website (, where you will be asked to choose between several payment options.
After completing the registration form each team will be assigned with a registration code. It’s important to keep this registration code in a safe place since it will allow your team to access the intranet were you’ll have access to your registration status, payment tools, and the upload form to submit your project as we will explain in further sections of this document.
All the necessary documentation to develop the project, such as pictures of the site, videos, AutoCad drawings, etc. will be available at the ARCHmedium website so that anyone can download them before or after joining the competition. They may access and download the materials as many times as they need to. No additional information or working material will be provided to teams after registering.
Participants are free to use all this material in the context of this competition. They are also allowed to create their own graphic documents or to find new ones from other sources.
Each team will submit only one din-A1 size (59,4, 84,1cm), landscape or portrait panel with their proposal.
This panel must be identified with the registration code of the team and the registration code ONLY; any panel including team names or personal names might be disqualified without refund.
Each team is responsible for choosing which information they include in their panel so that the jury may gain the clearest understanding of their project.
The representation technique is completely free (2D drawings, pictures of models, sketches, renders, collages, etc.). The jury will not only evaluate the quality of the project but also the clarity and quality of the presentation.
We do not recommend including large amounts of text on the panel. The project should be explanatory enough through the graphic material. However, certain notes might be acceptable. These notes must be written in English ONLY—any text written in a different language will not be taken into account and may lead to a team’s disqualification.
Submissions must be done through the ARCHmedium’s intranet only, before the date indicated on the competition calendar. You must log in with your username and password and follow the upload process. No submissions will be accepted by e-mail or any other medium. The submission page will be automatically closed after the submission date and time are reached, not allowing any modifications or aggregations after that, so please, try to upload your project 24 hours in advance so that you have time to solve any issues that might come up along the way (they always do!).
The panel must be no other size than Din-A1 and be in no other format than JPG. The maximum weight of the file is 12MB.
The jury will be in charge of establishing the key points that this project needed to address based on the site, brief, etc. and evaluate each project accordingly.
As part of the design process we recommend that each team takes the necessary time to research the working site as well as other case study projects that might relate to the brief in hand to determinate what aspects of the project are the most unique and therefore need to be addressed and successfully solved to achieve a good result.
Remember that this is an ideas competition, an opportunity for experiment and explore the limits of architecture. The jury reserves the right to award any proposal that fails at any of the parameters mentioned in these rules, as long as it justifies the breach of the rule in favor of the architectural design of the proposal.
The voting system to choose the winning projects is as follows:
1. ARCHmedium team, following the jury’s instructions, will make an initial selection of 50 projects in response to the above criteria.
2. The members of the jury will study both the pre-selected projects and all others privatley and include, if they consider it necessary, any of the non-selected projects in the initial list of 50.
3. At the meeting, the jurors will discuss all the pre-selected projects (The ARCHmedium’s selected 50 projects plus the projects added by the jury) to decide the winner, second and third prize and honorable mentions.