Submission: July 03, 2018
Registration: June 28, 2018
Language: English, Italian
Location: San Cataldo, Lecce
Prizes: 1000 €
Type: Open International Design Competition
Self Construction Competition is back: the contest for the design of an urban installation to be built within DIY techniques (self-construction) that gives you the chance to see your idea actually realized.
After the success of the first two initiatives, in 2015 and 2016, when a total of three projects were realized at the hostel “Ostello del Sole” in San Cataldo – Lecce during the international architecture workshops IAHsummer15 and IAHsummer16, for 2018 edition the installation object of the competition will characterize the boardwalk and the urban waterfront just outside the hostel.
The theme of 2018 edition of the Self-Construction Competition is the design of a street furniture installation for the urban waterfront of S.Cataldo.
The project idea will have to study an installation that overcomes the current standard supplies and that proposes characteristic elements for the reference context. The proposed item will be an example of a new way of interpreting the public space linked to the beach and the coast. A bench, a trash can, a rack, a planter for the integration of vegetation, a chaise lounge. The competition asks to combine such elements and further suggestions for the use of the public space into a comprehensive urban landscape project that may become a benchmark and a replicable best practice for the regeneration of other urban waterfronts.
The installation will be realized during the self-construction workshop of IAHsummer18, the festival of creativity and urban regeneration promoted by Archistart.
The project must consider the use of materials that are easy to find and to use in order to facilitate the construction phases.