souls of beirut


Submission: October 25, 2020
Registration: October 25, 2020
Language: English
Location: Beirut, Lebanon
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open


“Souls of Beirut” is an international competition run by +FUTURE. an initiative that aims to bring together all Creative Thinkers, Architects, Designers, Creatives and Artists to stand with those who are affected by the blast as a creative culture community. it presents a new story of hope through creativity; by designing a memorial landmark / artwork. the memorial is set to honor the deceased, injured and affected lives in the light of the tragic explosion occurred on 4th of August in Beirut as well as sending a message of solidarity for the people of Lebanon with regards to its current situation.


The Souls of Beirut Memorial is an international competition set to represent several aspects following the tragic explosion that took place in Beirut Port on the 4th of August.

Primarily, the memorial is set to honor the deceased, injured and effected lives by the blast as well as sending a message of HOPE for the people of Lebanon with regards to its current situation.

The primary representation is not limited to the criteria mentioned above, participants have the freedom in creating and representing their own narrative. The competition aims at analyzing the participants’ creativity, design perspective, innovative narrative and presentation.

There is no restriction in respect of the site limitation, secondary function, program nor the size of the proposal. The objective is to provide the freedom to the participants to design the project in the most creative way without any constraints.


The Souls of Beirut Artwork is an open narrative competition for artists to showcase their talents. Artists are at liberty to create an artwork which corresponds in any way directly or indirectly to the Beirut port explosion.

The artworks will be analyzed based on the artist’s connection between art and the tragic event and its effect on the people.


Memorial Design Requirment

Two A2 Landscape-Orientated Presentation Boards.

  • File name should be named as follows: Memorial_“Project Title”_A2 Boards.
  • 1st A2 contain the supporting material for the design, For example; Design Methodology, Process, Sketchs, Plan, Section, Perspectives.
  • 2nd A2 contain one Render (the main render/visual).
  • The resolution of the boards must be 150 dpi or above, saved as JPG.
  • Top Left Corner of the 1st A1 should contain the Proposal Name.
  • Participants names are not to be mentioned in the boards.

A4 PDF containing the narrative behind the Proposal (600 Words Max.)

  • File name should be named as follows: “Memorial or Artwork”_“Project Title”_Narrative.
  • The narative will be placed beside the proposal in the up coming exhibition.

A4 PDF Containing the individual/ Team info.

  • File name should be named as follows: “Memorial or Artwork”_“Project Title”_Team Info.
  • File should contain individual name, personal info (100 words max), profession, social media profile, address, and email, all in one page.

No videos will be accepted.

Total size of the files shouldn’t exceed 25 MB, all submission should be gone through out portal / form page, which will be avaliable on the 15 of October.


Art Piece Requirment

One A2 Portrait-Orientated Presentation Boards.

  • File name should be named as follows: Artwork_“Project Title”_A2 Boards.
  • Artwork, Digital artwork, Painting.
  • The resolution of the boards must be 150 dpi or above, saved as JPG.
  • Participants names are not to be mentioned in the boards.

A4 PDF containing the narrative behind the Proposal (600 Words Max.)

  • File name should be named as follows: “Memorial or Artwork”_“Project Title”_Narrative.
  • The narative will be placed beside the proposal in the up coming exhibition.

A4 PDF Containing the individual/ Team info.

  • File name should be named as follows: “Memorial or Artwork”_“Project Title”_Team Info.
  • File should contain individual name, personal info (100 words max), profession, social media profile, address, and email, all in one page.



  • + FUTURE will be hosting severial exhibitions around the globe, the winners + 10 shortlists -in each of the categories- will have their work exhibited as part of the movement of Hope.
  • Souls of Beirut first exhibition will be hosted in Dubai on 10th of November 2020.


  • Winners will have special mention in + FUTURE annual publication.
  • Sponsers and Supporters will over look the exhibition and the competition and the results.


  • + FUTURE are working towards raising funds and looking for sponser to build the landmark with goverment intitied around the globe as a start for new era for Lebanon.



  • English is the official language of the Competition. Arabic is optional to be used if it helps supporting the narrative/ statement.​


  • Full ownership and copyrights of all submissions of this competition are retained by the author of the work; however, +FUTURE and the supporters retains the rights to publish (printed or online) and promote the submitted material at their own discretion regarding formats, sizes, and composition layouts.
  • If any participant wishes to publish, exhibit, or promote their competition submission on any website, publications, or social media, AFTER the competition results are made public, they are granted the rights to do so.


  • Competition submissions will be automatically disqualified if:
  1. Participants highlight any political representatives.
  2. Any submission received after the competition deadline.
  3. If any of the competition rules and requirements are not considered.

>>> Go to the competition’s website <<<