Submission: October 08, 2016
Registration: October 08, 2016
Language: English
Location: Tirana, Albania
Prizes: 1st Prize: € 1100; 2nd Prize: € 750; 3rd Prize: € 350
Type: Open
Tirana Architecture Weeks 2016 edition, architecture that matters, will focus on the intellectual cores of the discipline within a global and local perspective. This event, that already can be considered a tradition after 2 former very successful organizations, will last from the third week of September and will end gradually towards the end of October. As an Institution which is working on the idea of transformation (at the architecture, landscape and urban levels), this time we aim at creating the conditions for a discussion on architecture and design focused on its specific relevance.
Within TAW – Tirana Architecture Weeks, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania, we are glad to announce the International Competition of Architecture and Urban Ideas.
Within this contest we intend to focus on one of the many recent urban patterns of Tirana city, whose traits are generally identifiable under the informal label. We believe these features should be also regarded as a sign of vitality and as the result of the recent history of the city. Tirana’s layers, although passed through several traumatic moments, are still extremely visible and can reveal the specific sensitiveness of the people in their dwelling choices. Definitely, the bottom-up transformations can be realistic observed and investigated in these patterns.
We would avoid the usage of the word chaos in the description of these parts of the city. Even the word informal we believe should be refused in order to get a better understanding of the economical, anthropological and cultural values of this peculiar phenomenon. Yet, we would like to emphasize the proper ability of architects and planners in analyzing a phenomenon without prejudices, which means without having any idea before the formulation of a judgment. We aim, then, at analyzing and observing such pattern, by focusing on their specific spontaneous culture of building, as their unexpected anarchy, resulting in a continuous uninterrupted and clashing mixed urbanicity, without any desire to mediate with a specific city narrative.
The contest then, aims at assuming one of these patterns as the focus of an architectural/urban transformation. Since we insist on a free reading of the city, a design operation conducted according to the same criteria is necessary. We are looking for entries capable to underline the underlined, to propose idea that can be as much realistic as utopic, with the concern of the existing or without any respect of it.
We expect:
a program of activities inscribed within a narrative and a transformation of the proposed area. The transformation of the area is completely free, although it should matter, which means it should create a proper sense within the narrative proposed. Each category of intervention from a total demolition to a more based preservation approach is admitted.
Note: This is a fast, furious, and… glorious competition. It is not about rhetorical operations, it is more about ideas, debates, and thinking.
If you are a student or a professional, you can simply enter the competition submitting the requested material with a wetransfer to before midnight of 8th october 2016 (GTM+1).
No preliminary registration is requested. Working in team is allowed and encouraged, but it is necessary to choose one leader that will be the only official contact for future communication.
1st prize / 150’000 Leke / 1100€
2nd prize / 100’000 Leke / 750€
3rd prize / 50’000 Leke / 350€
Honorable mentions will be attributed by the jury in a number proportion to the submitted projects.
All the winning and mention projects will be published in the official website, social networks and media partners and in the winter number of A+P magazine.
In the wetrasfer folder you will send please include
– the format panel 84.1× in PDF format at 300dpi for printing format
– the format panel 84.1×84.1cm in PDF format at 72dpi for web announcement
– team and project description in .doc or PDF format
– signed copyright authorization in .doc or PDF format
Please do respect the format for provided in the material folder. Materials that do not respect the format provided will determine the team exclusion from the competition. In the panel there should not be references to the authors names and everything that can cause their identification. We remind you that the jury will receive the panels with a numeric code attributed following the submission order. Any signs that will allow the author identification will determine the team exclusion from the competition.