Submission: September 30, 2015
Registration: September 20, 2015
Language: English
Location: Governors Island – NY, USA
Prizes: N/A
Type: Open
FIGMENT, the Emerging New York Architects Committee of the AIA New York Chapter, and SEAoNY are pleased to announce their sixth annual architectural pavilion competition on Governors Island for the 2016 summer season.
Since Governors Island first opened to the public in 2004, the attention and interest that this public place has received has increased dramatically. Each summer, approximately 500,000 people visit the island through to engage in a variety of arts and cultural programs, as well as to enjoy summertime activities like picnicking and bike riding.
Entries are encouraged from individuals or teams of architects and non-architects of any age or experience level, provided they are prepared to carry out the project.
Instead of a typical design competition, the City of Dreams Pavilion asks entrants to consider how to construct this temporary structure in the most efficient and sustainable way possible. Entrants are asked to consider using “borrowed” materials from existing construction sites and from places where the materials can be returned after the season ends and the temporary structure is disassembled. The goal is to create a pavilion that has net zero impact and serves as a prototype for a new, truly sustainable approach to design and construction.
The 2016 competition will be the sixth City of Dreams Pavilion Design Competition. In 2015, for the first time , two pavilions were selected. Organic Growth and Billion Oyster Pavilion, designed by Izaskun Chinchilla Architects and BanG Studio respectively, are currently installed on Governors Island for the 2015 summer season. Pending permits and approvals, the winner of the 2016 City of Dreams Pavilion competition will be installed and open to the public on New York City’s Governors Island throughout the 2016 summer season.
Instead of a typical design competition, the City of Dreams Pavilion asks entrants to consider how they will construct this temporary structure in the most efficient and sustainable way possible. Entrants should consider the entire lifecycle of building materials in their submission. Whether they do this by identifying companies that produce “cradle to cradle” products, garnering sponsorships from environmental or socially conscious groups, or re-using waste from construction sites, the materials used and the installation process should have as little impact as possible on the environment.
Entrants should submit where their materials are to come from, how their structures will be transported to the site, how they will eliminate waste during installation, and how they plan to disassemble and reuse the materials after the island closes for the season. In other words, entrants are being asked to consider using “borrowed” materials—from existing construction sites and from places where the materials can be returned after the season is over and the temporary structure is disassembled.
In the end, the goal is to create a pavilion that has a net zero impact and that serves as a prototype for a new, truly sustainable, way of thinking about design and construction.
We anticipate that the pavilion will be installed on the South Parade Grounds on Governors Island. However, this placement is pending approval and is subject to change.
The City of Dreams 2016 Pavilion Design Competition will be a two-stage process, in which a jury of leading architects and other industry professionals will review initial submissions and select a number of finalists. These finalists will receive comments and have the opportunity to revise their proposals. The jury will select the competition winner in November 2015.
Register by September 20, 2015. The competition entry fees (which will be applied to the costs of building and maintaining the winning entry) are as follows:
• Student entries – $20
• Individual entries – $50
• Group entries – $80
After you have registered, you will receive a link to download a submission packet with the City of Dreams Pavilion 2016 Design Guide and reference images of Governors Island, previous City of Dreams Pavilion competition winners, and other FIGMENT projects that have been built previously on the island.
Submit your City of Dreams Pavilion proposal by 11:59pm ET on September 30, 2015. Our jury will meet and we will notify all finalists by October 15, 2015.
Entries are encouraged from individuals or teams of architects and non-architects of any age or experience level, provided they are prepared to carry out the project. Attribution of the winner and finalists will be given based on the names of the individuals who enter, rather than to any firm with whom they are affiliated.
Please submit your final three-page PDF file by 11:59pm ET on September 30, 2015, to You can expect to receive an email confirmation of this submission within 48 hours.